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Had my right ear cut off today, well most of it :y16:.
Dr said it's probably basil cell carcinoma (pathology next week).

What was that you said? speak up please :y15:.

He said he'd put in two stitches but it took 5 to close and stop the flow from squirting all over the place.
It's because I'm a hot blooded 21 year old in a 63 year old body :y2:.
Hope all is well Kevin. I too am doing constant battle with the skin cancer gremlins!!!
Mine come from being a pasty white Northern Lad who loves the Sun and the South......I'd rather monitor basil cell's than shovel snow any day lol. :)

Hope you are all mended up soon.
Thanks all for the good wishes.
Yes some people get bad news after this kind of procedure but the odds are loaded for a clean result.
Next Friday the stitches come out and I'll wait to then for news from the lab, it will be available Tuesday but I'm not stressing.
Thanks all for the good wishes.
Yes some people get bad news after this kind of procedure but the odds are loaded for a clean result.
Next Friday the stitches come out and I'll wait to then for news from the lab, it will be available Tuesday but I'm not stressing.

Done, BSC as expected, all good.
I was rather hoping for a bit of a jaggeder edge like a bull-terrier that had been in too many fights in order to get a bit of street cred but it was not to be. :y1: