OK, here's my morning gripe. My son goes to a very good school and most of the mom's don't work; they're fortunate enough to be 'stay at home mom's' or members of the CAT club - Coffee At Ten. I work because a) I need to and b) I actually enjoy what I do. My day sometimes starts at 04h45 and ends around 22h00 on occassion. In between I take my boy to school, pick him up, get the homework done, do the shopping, make lunches and dinner and get my personal stuff sorted. Agreed, I have live-in domestic help for housework, laundry etc and a gardener once a week - so do the CAT club. My gripe? These are young, intelligent women - most have degrees of some sort but day after day I hear them moaning in the parking lot about how busy they are, how stressed they are, how their husbands don't get involved with the kids and the day to day needs of the kids, school, extra-murals, how demanding their husbands are, how they complain about the monthly bills when really, all they bought was one little designer bag and matching shoes, how hard their life is blah blah blah ad nauseum. I just wonder - have they ever stopped to think that if their husband's didn't work so hard, work such long hours, climb the ladder of success, they wouldn't actually have the prividege of being a member of the CAT club? If my biggest worry was being on time for my manicure or hair appointment, that would be a blessing! I really don't cope well with ungrateful people.