C.A.T Club

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OK, here's my morning gripe. My son goes to a very good school and most of the mom's don't work; they're fortunate enough to be 'stay at home mom's' or members of the CAT club - Coffee At Ten. I work because a) I need to and b) I actually enjoy what I do. My day sometimes starts at 04h45 and ends around 22h00 on occassion. In between I take my boy to school, pick him up, get the homework done, do the shopping, make lunches and dinner and get my personal stuff sorted. Agreed, I have live-in domestic help for housework, laundry etc and a gardener once a week - so do the CAT club. My gripe? These are young, intelligent women - most have degrees of some sort but day after day I hear them moaning in the parking lot about how busy they are, how stressed they are, how their husbands don't get involved with the kids and the day to day needs of the kids, school, extra-murals, how demanding their husbands are, how they complain about the monthly bills when really, all they bought was one little designer bag and matching shoes, how hard their life is blah blah blah ad nauseum. I just wonder - have they ever stopped to think that if their husband's didn't work so hard, work such long hours, climb the ladder of success, they wouldn't actually have the prividege of being a member of the CAT club? If my biggest worry was being on time for my manicure or hair appointment, that would be a blessing! I really don't cope well with ungrateful people.
Whingers contribute nothing positive to your life so stay as far away as you can! Hopefully you really don't need anything from them.
I have zero patience for that kind of whining. Each of them of them should have to live in the bush for 30 days with only the things they can carry on their backs. Oh yes, and with all of their meals being being freeze dried foods.
I steer well clear of the 'parking lot gossipers'. I sometimes hear these conversations if I'm parked close enough - I just smile and shake my head. Yes, if they did actually 'get a bluddy life' they'd see how pathetic they really are. In the northern suburbs of Jo'burg we have a big Wasp & Green Welly Brigade contingency. I'd love to drop them off in the bush for a month! But then I'd have to be there to see the reaction myself - what a laugh that would be.. :y114:
Hi Gromit

I know the School well .I went there and so did my son .I can tell you that the majority of Mothers work.Most likely 60% of them .The ones you see in the carpark are the minority for sure.Parents are working extra hard to have the funds to give their children the gift of education.

By the way you might be interested to know that I have taken Dan out of boarding school and he is now home and is at an Independent School 2 minutes up the road from home.It fits him perfectly and so far he is doing well.I needed to take him out of the boarding school as there was a cultural difference between him and the non reflectives .They don't understand personal space or the need to be quite etc etc .But I must say that the school was great and sorted lots of his problems out and he is a much better person for the experience


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