I was convicted of attempted murder under the influence of alcohol, so one of the conditions of my release (after serving 2 years in county jail ) is to live in a recovery home. The Fellowship Center was my first try, and it was like a military prison camp. It drove me to attempted suicide with a gallon of whiskey, which my brilliant sister was able to stop by figuring out what motel I was in and come running with the police and paramedics.I came to 3 weeks later in the nuthouse at a hospital. When discharged, I returned to the warm embrace of my friends (whom I couldn't remember), but the directors evicted me with extreme prejudice instead of asking how I was. Hence, "fellowship" center. Fellowship my ass. I told my sister that next time I was using cash instead of credit card so that she couldn't save me again. She immediately took me to another hospital in San Diego for rehab. I had to find another group home so I linked up on a phone call to Mike Mays, Executive Director of the Loma Residential Project. I live in one of the nice houses with topnotch food provided. My housemates are all near my age and are Hippies. There is a basketball court and exercise machines ! I am taken for free to San Diego State University basketball and football games, and will probably get to do the same for the professional ball games. We go bowling for free and I'm gonna hit them up about golfing. We share chores and activities and coservation. I've done well for myself thank you.