Joao, Keith, on this site, and I are members. I know there are some members in France and I think there is a Belgium member. Email me and I will shoot you the membership requirements which vary according to whether you are near a clan or not. We don't have a clan in Florida.
The welcome message was my pleasure.
Carl S
Joao, sent you a welcome.. I think there are two members in Belgium and two in France.
Even though I have been pretty much inactive lately on both this forum and in Brit Iron Rebels because of many, many other obligations, I will tell you that both groups are top notch. I am proud to be a member of both.
I will certainly add my comments on the BIR site for your membership.
Shyguy344 (Bob)
Thank you Carl, Keith, Bob and GrandPaul (in TBS) for your nice messages.
Carl, I got your instructions for the photos but it didn't work with me.
I even subscribed 1 year for the Delphi Forums and still it doesn't work.
I got the HTML link from "Hotlink Files" and still no joy.
I must be doing something wrong.
Here it is easy:
JMV2006 (Joao)
Joao, email me and I will send you the instructions via email in plain text where I can type the string out. Oh, I forgot to tell you to be sure to check the HTML box just below the window where you are typing your message. You have to check that box for the HTML to work.
Carl S
image[img] won't work. You must use the <> of HTML.
Carl S
Jun 19 2008, 08:24 AM
[quote]Joao, email me ...[/quote]
I sent you an email through the link in your profile in this Forum. I hope it works!
It will work. I am in Atlanta now and will not be home until tomorrow night. I'll check the email then. Thanks, Joao; I'll get back to you as quickly as I can.
Carl S