Brand names

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I don't normally like shopping full stop but we seem to be having a very cold winter this year. So off I go to the shop to find another warm jacket for every day use. Looking at the different stores not much tweaks my interest or looks like it could really be warm enough. So I end up in one of our biggest clothing stores and think this should have one for me. So I finally see two possibilities. The first one is an in store type brand and it is going for around 600.00 ZAR = 88.3739 USD. The secound one does not look as warm but also not a bad looking jacket. So I take if off the rack only to find out it is running at around 1,200.00 ZAR = 176.704 USD :y7: Looking closer at the brand name it turns out to be a Jeep. Now even if they were the same price or the second one was cheaper I still would have gone with the first one I looked at. This started me thinking that as consumers it seems we get sucked into this name brand stuff and end up paying a lot more than what the product is worth.

I suppose it is especially harder for parents with young kids who can only be seen in name brands otherwise they just don't make the cut. :y9:
I am not particularly a name brand person; I am definitely not a designer brand name person. I have found that with some products, the brand can be important and represent quality and/or certain patented ingredients, design, etc. that I like or need. For example, I prefer Wrangler jeans. These fit me better and they wear well as opposed to off brands/store brands found in box stores.

Some brands of products I refuse to buy because I don't like the politics of the companies and I refuse to contribute to their profits. And the reverse is true. I support some brands because I do like their politics and policies.
I try to buy local 'designers' - local knows our climate and lifestyle so they generally work well. Also not as expensive as the imported stuff. I won't buy something if I know it's made in China (including Triumph gear) or India. Sneakers are different - there I think you can only really go with a brand name and a style specific to the sport or use. Cheap shoes are not worth it on many levels - gotta take care of the twinkle toes! I buy what fits, what I like and what fits the pocket book!
I agree with you about footwear. I buy what fits and I look for quality. I generally buy Justin or Nocona boots and Durango work boots. I buy whatever athletic shoes are on sale, fit right, and are quality.
I also used to buy nothing but Wrangler shirts and pants, but quit when they started making shirts in Viet Nam and pants in Mexico. I wear my clothes much longer than I used to because I hate to buy new ones anymore. I buy western boots from Tony Lama, Wilson Boots in Montana, and some made in Kansas. But, my work boots "Whites" are made in Spokane Washington. I wear their logger - smoke jumper boots. The are heavy but the greatest boots on the planet once you get use to them.

These days it's so hard to find products not made in China. Even designer labels are made in China.
Yesterday I bought a motorcycle touring book written by two local authors that I know well.
On the back is "printed in China."
I tend to buy a few brand names like Wrangler jeans, but am not hooked on brand names just to keep up with fashion.
However, in motorcycle gear I tend to buy by brand.
For the last 40 years I've been wearing Levi Strauss jeans, they some how seem to fit my body shape better than others. Normal retail $95.00 AU, I tended to purchase them when they come on sale, 2 for $150.00. Last time I got 4 for $300.00 and I'm not happy, they aren't standing up to daily use as well as they did before. Just checked the tag on them, sure enough "Made in Pakistan".:y14: Just now I've got two pairs on the go and two unused with the tags still on so it will be a little while before I'm out looking at new jeans but I'm up for a change of habit.
I prefer Wrangler jeans.

I agree 100%. Levis cost what, 2-3 times as much? and they literally wear out on me in 6 months, i kid you not. I've worn wranglers as long as 3 years or more before they wore out. But check this out you ever buy them at target? They have another brand there called "legendary gold", and they are $3 cheaper and as far as i can tell they are the same jean as wrangler. I started buying them a couple years ago and they wear and feel and look exactly like wranglers. Thats all i buy now. It's like the way house brands in supermarkets are often the same product made by a big name and sold with a different label. So now i pay $12 for jeans, not a bad deal ! I'm a big fan of buying house brands because so many are actually better and are usually at least as good. Not sure if legendary gold is a target house brand, but i'm pretty darn sure they are made by wrangled and just re-badged.
Thanks, Dale; I will check that out. I used to wear Levis; but they got expensive and they do not hold up like they used to. I buy Wrangler Rodeo and they are boot cut. If the Target brand is boot cut, I will give them a try.
Dale I agree about the house brands and this is why I like buying my stuff from Woolworth they have a great product range and all the stuff just seems to fit me like it was made for my body.
Wow, you have woolworth over there?! We had them here when i was a kid and they stuck around till i'm guessing 15-20 years ago then went out of business. at least here in L.A. they did. I had no idea they still exist in other places. When i was a kid my mom would take me there shopping and she would take me to the in store food counter and we'd have lunch. Memories....really really good memories....
Woolworth here in Texas closed 25 to 30 years ago. The last few years the quality of the items in the stores was steadily going down. You could still get a few good items but overall the goods weren't very good.

I have a pair of Wrangler jeans but wear them only once or twice a year. I guess I just have a Levi Strauss butt. Levi's aren't what they used to be. I still like the old Wrangler shirts but here lately all I can find is Mexican rejects or gay cowpoke shirts with some ugly colors and designs.

For boots I prefer Bates service boots to work or ride in or Nacona dress boots. My umpire shoes were New Balance field and plate shoes. New Balance is also the sneakers I wear daily.

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Yes we have always had them since I can remember Woolworth South Africa We also purchase some food products from them only as it is also the best quality

Back in the day Woolworth's was the store for family shopping and they were all over the place around here.
I remember as a small boy in the 1940's driving to town with my parents and shopping at Woolworth's.
In those days they were commonly referred to as "the five and dime store."
They've been gone for many years now.
Well in the past Woolworth was an expensive place to shop but over the years the prices seemed to become more in line with most other supermarkets so now our shopping is split depending on what we want to purchase
I think the SA Woolworths references may be confusing. Woolworths here is a store chain which deals in 2 main lines. Good quality, reasonably prices clothing and very good quality foodstuffs. It is the same as Marks and Spencers in the UK.

Woolworths in the UK was a shop that sold all sorts of crap.
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