Birthday Wishes??

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Dear TriumphTalk,
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes I received today, 01-01-2012 wishing me a Happy 62nd Birthday.
Much as I'd like to revel in the warmth of these good wishes, I feel that I should let you know that my birthday is actually in May and TriumphTalk has graciously aged me by a number of years, not to my advantage I might add.
So thank you once again for the very kind birthday wishes but unfortunately I must decline to accept.
Kind regards
A younger than stated
According to TT it's also my birthday so, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Kevin, happy birthday to me. Now what am I going to do next November after having such a good time?
Happy, UNbirthday, Gromit. BGRIN

Ha ha guys - good chirps! Nah - I'm good with 62 so one day when you see a photo of me, you'll say "Damn she looks good for 62/92" :y2: Gotta say though, being back in Joburg for a day and I feel 102!
Yeah, what Carl said :y2:
Not knowing you, or ever having seen your picture, just from your posts I judged you were about that age, 40-45.
My youngest child is four years older than you :y2:
I think the best compliment I've had is when my teenage boy's friends said he had "a cool mom" and he agreed :y2: I like having all the kids at our house - that way I can keep an eye on them but it's really nice that the kids want to come to our house.

Liam and I both love Starwars - Farside doesn't do science fiction in any way shape or form. So the other day he was changing the flourescent light tubes. Liam and I walked into the kitchen from opposite directions, spotted the tubes on the table, grabbed one each and immediately went into Jeddi pose, sound effects included. Farside, up the ladder, just looked at us and shook his head "Kids! Both of them I live with".

May the Force be with all us oldies and keep us forever kids!

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