I have had an issue with the battery draining when I have locked my bike in the furthest position. I don't know what it is called but it activates a light that seems to suck enough juice out of the battery that the bike won't turn over. After my last encounter at the VA, I teach for Guitars for Vets, I inadvertently locked the bike in the "light" position and when I returned after an hour or so, the bike would not turn over. I borrowed a jumper device from the police, but it didn't work. Fortunately, I gentleman/vet came by and offered his assistance. We jumped the bike from his truck and after a few minutes of letting the battery juice up, it started. I did have to bring the first device back and I was very nervous when I had to shut the bike off to return the jumper. Fortunately, the bike stated with no issues. I have since decided to put the bike on a tender when I am not riding it. Anyone else with this issue?