Scotty Dog
Hello, new member here, i joined to help out my Father who has recently bought an 09 plate Tiger 1050. He was a Honda man for 43 years, so this change of heart was suprising to say the least, but i had a go and i can see why he likes the Tiger.
A few weeks after picking the bike up the battery went flat, but once jumped it worked fine, until you turned the bike off and then went to turn it straight back on again it was dead, so we put a new battery on, a YUASA YT12B-BS and all was Fine . . . or so we thought.
Then the Bike sat for a couple weeks, Turned the key and it was completely dead.
On the 25th November, after we charged the battery it was @ 12.70V
Ignition On was 12.09V
While cranking it was all over between 10V & 11V
While Idling its was 14.30V
Then 10 minutes after turning off it was 12.72V, straight after we un-hooked the battery from the bike.
In 24 Hours un-hooked on the 26th it had dropped too 12.67V
Then hooked back up on the bike and another 24 hours on the 27th it had dropped too 12.52V
On the 28th it was 12.43V
On the 29th it was 12.30V
On the 30th it was 12.21V
On the 1st of December it was 12.13V
On the 2nd it was 12.05V
On the 3rd it was 11.96V
On the 4th it was 11.87V
In comparison i have an S1000RR and on 2nd December my bikes battery was 12.82V and on the 6th it was 12.81V
While the Bike was off we pulled Fuses 1 by 1 and the only Fuse that had any current flowing to it (through it) was Fuse 4 (Turn Signals/Alarm/Horn/Tail lights/Sidelights/Diagnostic Plug)
Me and my Father are Practical blokes, but Vehicle Electrics arent our strong point, and were struggling to find out why its Draining like it is, and its not fun seeing my Dad looking and feeling dejected by things, especailly as he seems to really like the Tiger, so any help would be Greatly Respected and Appriciated.
Thank you
A few weeks after picking the bike up the battery went flat, but once jumped it worked fine, until you turned the bike off and then went to turn it straight back on again it was dead, so we put a new battery on, a YUASA YT12B-BS and all was Fine . . . or so we thought.
Then the Bike sat for a couple weeks, Turned the key and it was completely dead.
On the 25th November, after we charged the battery it was @ 12.70V
Ignition On was 12.09V
While cranking it was all over between 10V & 11V
While Idling its was 14.30V
Then 10 minutes after turning off it was 12.72V, straight after we un-hooked the battery from the bike.
In 24 Hours un-hooked on the 26th it had dropped too 12.67V
Then hooked back up on the bike and another 24 hours on the 27th it had dropped too 12.52V
On the 28th it was 12.43V
On the 29th it was 12.30V
On the 30th it was 12.21V
On the 1st of December it was 12.13V
On the 2nd it was 12.05V
On the 3rd it was 11.96V
On the 4th it was 11.87V
In comparison i have an S1000RR and on 2nd December my bikes battery was 12.82V and on the 6th it was 12.81V
While the Bike was off we pulled Fuses 1 by 1 and the only Fuse that had any current flowing to it (through it) was Fuse 4 (Turn Signals/Alarm/Horn/Tail lights/Sidelights/Diagnostic Plug)
Me and my Father are Practical blokes, but Vehicle Electrics arent our strong point, and were struggling to find out why its Draining like it is, and its not fun seeing my Dad looking and feeling dejected by things, especailly as he seems to really like the Tiger, so any help would be Greatly Respected and Appriciated.
Thank you