Bad Weekend In Town

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It's 7.00 pm Sunday evening, had my dinner and sitting back to the online news papers.
Two stories from our small town rag get my eye.

11.00 am yesterday a 42 year old rider suffered significant leg fractures when he lost control and hit a power pole. His bike broke into two separate bits. This very close to my home on the road I use regularly.
ScreenHunter_75 Jul. 20 18.58.jpg

The other story, 12.30 pm today a 24 year old man is killed a little further up the same popular M/C stretch. Fails to take a corner and head-on into a car traveling in opposite direction.
ScreenHunter_76 Jul. 20 18.59.jpg

Caution people, both of these crashes were caused by the rider. We can't always avoid what another may do to us but we should be able to prevent this kind of situation.
You so right the first on tell you straight off that high speed must have been a factor and the second riding beyond your limits. However it is always sad to see or hear these types of things going down.

Where our suburb meets the one main road we are always seeing bikers meeting their end and I think right now there are about three markers placed on the side of the road where 3 guys died in separate accidents. The thing is that part of the road is the lead in from the highway so the guys just don't slow down. Here is a link to the map Cape Rd/R102 to Cape Rd/R102 - Google Maps
It's absurd how some guys ride around here too.
Most of the deaths and injuries involve only the rider who was way beyond common sense and his skill level.
Left turning and head-ons happen, but not very often.