It's 7.00 pm Sunday evening, had my dinner and sitting back to the online news papers.
Two stories from our small town rag get my eye.
11.00 am yesterday a 42 year old rider suffered significant leg fractures when he lost control and hit a power pole. His bike broke into two separate bits. This very close to my home on the road I use regularly.
The other story, 12.30 pm today a 24 year old man is killed a little further up the same popular M/C stretch. Fails to take a corner and head-on into a car traveling in opposite direction.
Caution people, both of these crashes were caused by the rider. We can't always avoid what another may do to us but we should be able to prevent this kind of situation.
Two stories from our small town rag get my eye.
11.00 am yesterday a 42 year old rider suffered significant leg fractures when he lost control and hit a power pole. His bike broke into two separate bits. This very close to my home on the road I use regularly.
The other story, 12.30 pm today a 24 year old man is killed a little further up the same popular M/C stretch. Fails to take a corner and head-on into a car traveling in opposite direction.
Caution people, both of these crashes were caused by the rider. We can't always avoid what another may do to us but we should be able to prevent this kind of situation.