I’ve pretty much checked out the Thruxton as well as I can for my one block trip to the inspection station. I’m not afraid to admit, I forget things and one was checking the position of the petcock valve this weekend in the garage. While the Thruxton puttered along in it’s standing position aided by a fan all things seemed great until the sound of the engine changed and ultimately stopped. Fearing the worst I started going through a mental check list and at some point remembered there was supposed to be a fuel petcock valve. Now this thought occurred after about five attempts to start and absolutely no promise of starting. My garage lighting is not the best and I could read some of it, but not all of it. Hence my petcock post, I had gotten it to run simply by turning it 90 degrees up. But, it was RES and I had a hazy recollection that it was not a good thing. All thing considered my adventure in the garage is a safer one than on the road. All this prompted me to look up my old MSF course information. While I plan on retaking the course, I found among the papers my completion certificate, September 2008! I had thought it was perhaps six plus not ten plus one.