I remember being a VERY skinny youth----worked HOURS in the Gym.....drank those Weider Weight Gain shakes old Schwarzenegger used to pitch.....3500 calories PER Shake!!!..wanting to get bigger --- more muscles for Girls and Football--- i was FAST but thin----well apparently I was VERY fast because I out ran them shakes -----for many years however----they all seem to have caught up to me now........lol
All those hours in the gym created aa great chest and shoulders that in the last few years has decided to take retire and move south to my gut ! lol
Ah be carefull what you wish for --- then 140lbs......wishing I was 180lbs .........now.........200lbs --- wishing i was 180! lol I guess the target hasnt changed---- just my waste size !!!
All those hours in the gym created aa great chest and shoulders that in the last few years has decided to take retire and move south to my gut ! lol
Ah be carefull what you wish for --- then 140lbs......wishing I was 180lbs .........now.........200lbs --- wishing i was 180! lol I guess the target hasnt changed---- just my waste size !!!