Ace Cafe Orlando

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Got back from our marathon tour of the US, Alaska and a real gem called Victoria BC, been before but forgot how stunning it is, any way a few pics from the cafe, I wont upload the almost 2000 pics I took of the whole trip, ( I know I need help ) but here are just a few.
When the jet lag goes away I'll do a bit better write up and a few more pics of the trip. But as Hemi and Key's will testify I need my beauty sleep. :)


It was fantastic to meet up with Hemi Kim and Key's.
I thought I'd rent a bike while I were there


From one extreme to another. The Yukon was an unexpected bonus that was on offer as a tour. I couldn't pass that one up.
Yosemite National Park, It won't disappoint you, believe me.

This was the tub that took us to Alaska and back. Explorer of the Sea's

Yukon suspension bridge
At last, I've found an intelligent car driver.
Tracy's arm fjord, Alaska
Water Taxi, Fisherman's Wharf Victoria BC
Awesome photos. TUP Too bad they made you take the garbage scow to Alaska. I'll have to send off a complaint to them forcing you to take such substandard accommodations to Alaska.
I know, eh? I don't know how MOT and his beautiful wife tolerated that insufferable trip on that old tramp steamer.
Reminds me of the first Indiana Jones movie, Raiders of the Lost Ark, when Indie and his girl had to take that tramp steamer out of Cairo.
Well as you all know, our trip started off at Gatwick, in the rain, ( what's new there then ) our destination was Orlando Florida, we was to spend a few days there before moving onto the Sturgis rally in South Dakota. We spent the days in Orlando doing the usual tourist bits and bobs, we did Universal Studios, but found that a bit expensive.
2 hot dogs $20.00, having a laugh springs to mind. There was a lot of stalls for food and souvenirs, and with this in mind I don't think that Disney has got much to worry about. By this I mean that Disney has more attractions. Universal's good, but not a patch on Disney World.

Unfortunately the weather wasn't very kind to us whilst in Orlando, we did have 2 great days, one at the Ace Cafe, and another at the Universal water park. I didn't take any photos of the water park, as I'm sure you have no desire to see my rubberised 6 pack. The water park itself was by far the most enjoyable, and some of the rides were a surprise to say the least. The Banana boat ride being one, we saved this sedate ride to the end, ( sedate ride who am I kidding ), it threw you up and down and side to side, you almost needed a sick bag. But we were killing our self's laughing when we got off it. We couldn't believe that such a sedate looking ride could turn out to be the complete opposite.
We then ventured to the more calm side of U/S the next time we visited, this was to view such attractions as Harry Potter, whilst never having seen any of the films you get swept up in the moment and go with the flow.

Well from Orlando it was destination Sturgis South Dakota, we'd been to Sturgis 3 times before, 95,97, and 2000. You should really think about going, it's an eye opener that's for sure, it's also in one of the most stunning parts of the world. The Black Hills are just fantastic, and the riding on offer to you there, must be second to none. You don't need to ride fast, as you'll miss what's all around you. Just sit back enjoy the ride along with the most wonderful scenery mother nature has put there.
It really is an amazing place, so take pity on me that I were doing this in a car.:(:(. Well Pat was driving while I were looking at the bikes. To be fair mind, the attendance did seem to be down a bit, from the last few times that we'd been, and I asked a local trader if she thought it was a bit light on the bikes. She said to us that a few years ago, the organisers had received complaints that the rally wasn't family friendly, so they'd taken steps to calm it down somewhat. Now the last time we were in Sturgis in 2000, the ladies were dressed if I can use that word, in a lot less than they were this trip. I hope that the PC brigade aren't moving into this area, as it could have a detrimental affect on rally numbers I think.
These next few pictures are from Keystone South Dakota, and I really love this place, it's nothing like Sturgis, you could call it the Sturgis overflow, but you can enjoy the bikes just as much as you can on main street Sturgis

From here it's back to Sturgis, where it all happens

Going up and down Main Street, is something else, there's a constant flow of bikes, that never seems to end, you'll never see them all, as there's just to many things to look at, you just take your time and take it all in. The stalls the bikes the sounds are all part of Main St and you really don't want to miss any of it.
Now Sturgis is the main attraction by far, but as I've already said you're in one of the most stunning area's of the US, and you should take a day off from the rally to see other sights and sound of the other places on offer, places like Sylvan lake for instance, Crazy Horse memorial, Mt Rushmore and Devils Tower in Wyoming, none of these will disappoint, and it just adds to a wonderful holiday and memories that will last a life time

And don't forget Deadwood, that's just a busy as Keystone and Hill City too.

From Sturgis it was onto

That's all for now Pt 2 to follow.
After spending a few days in Sin city and seeing the Hoover dam

we moved off towards Yosemite, this is a place that for years I've always wanted to go to, having done Yellowstone in 95, this was long over due,
As cleaver as man thinks he is, he'll never be able to build a place like this, only mother nature can pull this off

From Yosemite we made our way to San Francisco, stopping off in Virginia City Nevada. This is a great place to go back in time too, it was boiling hot as well, there was a shop in town that sold some fantastic ice cream, I didn't have time to take a picture, as it was melting in front of my eyes.

I bought two T Shirts from the place below, well being a tourist you just have to do these things don't you.

From Virginia city it was westwards for us, the next stop being,

This is a mini Vegas, with much the same going on, it is, as you can see, very colourful. I like this next picture, I wonder why that is ??

Moving ever onward's, we made our way to this guys place, well being so close it'd be criminal not to take a look. I've long admired Arlen Ness, as I have trouble building a sand castle, let alone what this guy can build. A truly gifted man indeed.


Next stop

The next day

As you can see not the best weather.
Pier 39 is well worth a look at, there's so much going on, it's a great place to spend the afternoon. Just ask these Guy's


And don't forget Lombard Street, the crookedest street in the world.

More to follow later.
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That's about right, get to area with a large US Navy presence and you run across a bunch of drunk Navy SEALS. Must have just got back from a rough mission. :y2:

Y'all definitely saw a variety of sites. TUP