955i Charging System Checks/questions...

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Nige W

Hi all - sorry to duplicate subject - if you've seen this thread on "Hinckley Triples" then apologies

Having some issues with newly acquired '03 Daytona/Speed Triple 955i...

Latest tests/results: 2003 Daytona/Speed Triple 955i Charging System...

So there's definitely a problem somewhere - just tested again now and reading only 13.2v across battery when bike running (idling or 4000 revs).
The battery is brand new (and fully charged last night) and the voltage is slowly dropping with all the tests/start-ups. Whereas before the instruments dropped out when the lights were switched on when the bike was running, they now do the same with engine not running. Applying the brake (light) or indicators makes the instrument display flicker/re-set (ignition on, bike not running).

Initial stator tests are good (taken across the three wires, disconnected from system) ie fully insulated, good output across pins (25-50 VAC) and consistent resistence between pins (0.4 ohms).

HOWEVER, I have just conducted a test "under load" (ie everything connected backup and engine running) and found only just over 5VAC between all three pins!

Reg/rec test reveal no earth leakage, no voltage leakage and diodes tested good all ways. I have read that the "under-load" voltage readings should be somewhere in the region of 9-20 VAC and that this might suggest a short in the system (only happening under load?). btw: the oil light stays on - even with the lead disconnected from the switch, suggesting an earth nleak somewhere which may, or may not, be connected.

Any help/thoughts much appreciated.

My old 955i Tiger had very similar issues. I did all the testing that I knew how to do but couldn't isolate the cause. I finally broke down and contacted an independent shop that I trust. They tested the electricals and found a bad charging system. I ended up having them replace the alternator and rectifier because I didn't trust it to get me back home. I know that doesn't help you out but that is all the experience I have with my issue.
Hi, and thanks for your interest.

I was getting all sorts of wierd stuff and inconsistencies in readings/tests across much of the electrical system - much time/testing/head-scratching found the cause to be quite simple...

Two transposed wires from the 16-pin connector block (at the instrruments) were the issue; the wire to the oil pressure switch turned out to be a permanent earth (which, of course, with the engine running it wasn't) and the wire from the oil pressure light was, conversely, permanently earthed - if I'd looked at the oil light issue initially I'd have saved so much time!

Anyway, as a result of connecting the two wires properly the bike is now behaving as it should.


I wish my fix had been that inexpensive. The cause of my problem was the previous owner had done the "Voltage Bypass" mod and he had done it wrong which over time fried the charging system.
Here's another write up I had in my achieves

I have now upgraded my Tiger following this guide. I bought a “Maxi Blade Fuse Holder 100 AMP” on ebay plus a 30amp Maxi fuse to fit it. I soldered on the connectors making two leads that look like this (photo1)

When I fitted them to the bike I realised my mistake. So thought I’d put out a WARNING. When I fitted my Lucar connectors into the Tigers RR outlet connector I realised that my connectors were not insulated and are very close together, if squeezed when covering the joint with insulating tape could touch together and cause a dead short. Obviously it would blow the 30amp Maxi fuse. Until I assembled the whole thing I hadn’t realised how close the positive and negative terminals become in the original RR connector. I was lucky I didn’t touch them together. I have now insulated the Lucar connectors and taped up the whole connection the fuse sits nicely next to the tank. This is what the job looked like when I realised my mistake. (photo2)



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