9/11/2011 Ride

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Black Betty was ready for a run following the alternator/rectifier repairs and 9/11/2011 seemed like a good day to get out of the house and put a few miles on her. There was a PGR gathering at a local dealership and I thought about riding over there for it but decided I needed the miles to clear my head and stretch Black Betty's legs. If I attended the gathering I would get about 50 miles of riding round trip and that just wasn't going to do it for me. The gathering wasn't just PGR, it was also going to include a church group or two and they were planning some family activities centered around the dealership and the dealership is one I said I would never set foot in again so that was the icing on the cake, a road trip it would be.

I'm getting a little ahead of myself here... drop back to Friday morning. I needed to change the brake pads on the front so I go about getting that all taken care of when I hit a small snag. I some how knock the whatcimacallit (got to use the correct technical terms per Gromit's instructions) that looks like a clip to secure the pads in place in the left caliper across the garage floor and I can't find it. So I'm about to throw a fit, I'm on the garage floor on my hands and knees looking for it when I find it with my right knee. Of course I'm wearing shorts and that little sucker hurt something fierce. Well I get it and the pads in place after a few choice words and move to the right caliper. Well I must have done something right or I really screwed up, the right side went in with no problems. Working the brakes and everything looks good so I pick up the tools, head inside to get my gear on to run into town to get my yearly safety inspection.

Well old man Murphy showed up, everything worked fine except for the horns. :y100: The previous owner had done a horn swap and the wiring necessary for the swap. Remember this is the same previous owner that did the voltage shortcut that cause the alternator and rectifier to burn up. So back in the house to get out of the gear and back to the garage to try and repair the horns. I worked all day trying to locate the problem but couldn't find the cause. The old relay had a cracked housing so I replaced it and performed an autopsy on it to see what may have gone wrong with it and if this was the source of my dead horns. There was a good bit of corrosion in the contacts so I felt this could have been the cause. I hit the horn button again and heard the new relay pick up but no horn. Ok, it's got to be the fuse... nope the fuse looked good and tested good. By this time I'm getting really ticked off so I figure it is best to just back off and look at the wiring diagram Friday night and hit it again Saturday morning.

So bright and early Saturday morning I'm back out with the plan to fix the horns or I will go buy new ones and completely rewire them so I know it's done right. As I'm looking at the horns again I notice a wire coming straight off the battery and it looks like the same one feeding the horns and I can't find a fuse. So I'm starting to remove plastics and stuffed up under the tank is a hidden fuse holder. There's the problem, a blown fuse. Made the change of the fuse and everything is working! Black Betty passed the safety inspection with flying colors... The ride is on!!!!

Two of my partners in crime decided to tag along with me and we made a day of it by heading toward Northeast Texas.


Of course if they let me set the route we will be stopping at any courthouses we come within a few miles of and this was no exception as I planned to stop in Palestine (Pal-esteen not Pal-estein) to grab a photo of the Anderson County Courthouse.


Well it's lunch time so we head over to the highly recommended Hamburger Bar for lunch. Remember old man Murphy? Well he showed up again, the Hamburger Bar is closed and there are no lights on to indicate they will be opening soon. So we head over to the restaurant we were told was the best Mexican food in Palestine, it just isn't very good if you have eaten at any other Mexican restaurants around Texas, or so we were told. Well we were told right, it might be the best in town but it wasn't very good.

While we are sitting there eating I told Tim and Ed that I had not planned the route home, we would just have to play it by ear. They agreed so I laid out a route to catch another courthouse and then turn south for home.

We left Palestine and headed to Rusk, the county seat of Cherokee County for this photo...


We have to be real careful in Rusk, we don't want to get locked up in the local State Housing. Rusk is the home of the State Mental Institute and I'm not sure my partners could pass the test to remain free, after all they were following me and the routes I had set up.

We decide it's best to head south, Tim said I had enough courthouse photos for one 100 DegF day. I pulled back in the garage with just a little over 320 additional miles on the clock. My recliner sure felt good after this ride, I didn't realize just how hot I had gotten and how much it had zapped my energy.

Tim and Ed, be warned because now I'm looking at what other courthouses we need to set up some rides for.

Here's the videos from the ride, hope you enjoy. Any and all comments, good and bad, on the videos are welcome as they will help me do better next time.

Part 1...


Part 2...


A link to the map of the route...
9/11/2011 Ride Map
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Good ride report and good videos. Thanks much. Where do you have the GoPro mounted?

I have it mounted to the left side of the handlebar just inside of the switches. I've thought about moving it to the crash bars if I don't get some extensions to lift it higher. I'm not too wild about it filming the speedometer. Tried to mount it on the right side but the master cylinder is in the way.

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I got lucky, when I was looking at the different cameras, GoPro was holding a sale and it was too good to pass up. Some of my umpiring checks had come in at that time and for once I had the cash on hand to make a purchase while they were on sale.
So can I ask why you're obsessed with courthouses?

To be honest, I don't know.

When I was a teenager one of my father's uncles was the jailer in our home town and I was given a tour of the facilities which included the Parish Death Chamber. The death chamber hadn't used since the State of Louisiana had taken over all death sentences but Uncle Bill kept it in working order, he always said you never knew when it would be needed again. So I guess that was got me interested in courthouses.

I'm sure areas other than the South are the same but a lot of the history of the area is centered around the courthouse. I love history and can find a lot of previously unknown (to me) history on or around the courthouse square. A courthouse I haven't been to in almost 26 years is still one of my favorites, it was the courthouse in Vicksburg, Mississippi during the War of Northern Aggression and still had a Yankee cannonball in one wall. It is now a museum and a great place to visit when in the area.

I do like some of the architectural periods many of them were built in and I guess this was also a major influence.

My wife has caught a little of the bug or curse from me. She now looks for the courthouse when we are in a county seat and we will usually at least drive around it if not get out and walk around it.

I have a map jpeg I'm using to mark the counties I have photos of my bike parked in front of.

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You're onto something with your courthouse interest. A towns history can be embedded in and around the courthouse and while I usually have a look at them when I'm poking around small towns I think I'll start with the photos as well.

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