9/11 - 15 Years On

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Still Rocking
Supporting Member
9/11 also happens to be my brothers birthday.
This is a date that all of us will remember because we got to see this horrible event as it happened.

Our modest international airport landed 40 airliners carrying several thousand passengers. It was a massive effort to house and care for so many for several days, but we did it - as did all the eastern Canadian airports and communities.
Today, a section of steel beam from the WTC will be unveiled at our airport as a memorial of that fateful day.

I visited ground zero while I spent Christmas 2015 in NYC. It was very sobering to stand on the very spot where it all happened. The memorial waterfall pools were especially moving as the names of all the WTC victims are inscribed all around the rim.
It was raining the day I was there and that seemed appropriate

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They are placing a piece of steel from the Twin Towers in Halifax too, Rocky?
I may be wrong about that as the radio news reports were a bit disjointed and talked about Gander and Halifax at the same time.
I thought they said Halifax, but now think it's Gander, Newfoundland rather than Halifax.
I'll watch for clearer details.
In any event, one or the other is having a memorial ceremony - that's the important thing.

Just to follow up, I checked the airport web site and there's nothing there about a ceremony so I was wrong about Halifax. It's Gander, newfoundland.
Good for them TUP TUP
For such a small community they did a herculean job of caring for all those passengers in church halls; skating rinks; schools and private homes. Anyplace that had space was put to use.
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This is the one event in history where I remember where and what I was doing at the time, let us never forget.
I think all of us feel and remember the same way.
My first thought was that it couldn't be real; this can't really be happening - until it was.
In a matter of minutes the world changed forever.
I escorted the piece of donated steel from the World Trade Center Twin Towers from the Maine/New Brunswick border with many other fellow bikers and veterans as a show of honour and solidarity. It was a truly humbling experience. Many people showed up on over passes and turn arounds(mostly firefighters) to show their support. There were 50+ bikes in our motorcade consisting of members of the Veterans Canada group, Red Knights, Defenders and 1 CAV(Canadian Army Veterans). We stopped near Fredericton and picked up some more riders and they wheeled out the steel for everyone to see and take pics.
How cool was that!! TUP TUP

It was very cool.

My Mother in Law is from Gander, Newfoundland, and many of her family still live there. They were some of the many who helped the stranded travelers of that horrible day and this piece of historic steel will be in honour of all those that helped out and be a reminder to all that even in the worst of times, we can all help one another.

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