My Dad
put a boyer micro-mk3 and accel super coil
not sure how to wire it all up
really don't want to mess anything up.
Firstly, my condolences on your Dad's passing.
Some clear photos of you bike would be useful, both sides and also closeups of the handlebar controls and the electrics under the seat, particularly where the "MicroMarkIII" box is located. Take the photos with a phone or digital camera, post them on the site in one of the formats that can be enlarged by the viewer.
Reason these photos will be useful is we can tell how close to, or far from, standard the bike is, particularly the electrics. Boyer do have a wiring diagram online but, perhaps strangely to some, the closer your bike's electrics are to standard, the less the Boyer wiring diagram applies. No sense in anyone launching into a complicated "if it is this, do x ... but if it is that, do y ..." explanation when any explanation will be clearer and simpler for you when it applies to your bike ...
Looks good in theory; in reality, pita proverbial "solution in search of problem":-
. You must measure the electrical resistance between the coil's two low tension terminals accurately, or ask someone with an Ohm or multimeter to do it, The resistance must not be less than 3 Ohms but, ideally, should be less than 4 Ohms - less than 3 Ohms will trash the Boyer (any electronic ignition for these bikes), the more above 4 Ohms, the less well the coil will work.
. If your Dad did not do it, the Accel coil will need proper rubber anti-vibration mounting - is why the two holes behind the battery for the standard coils have thick rubber grommets as standard.
Standard '6V' coils specifically by PVL or Tri-Spark (not new "Lucas") work very well with any electronic ignition for these bikes, just push into those rubber-grommeted holes behind the battery ...