July 2012 Pie Run to The Shed, Edom, Texas
Map from Conroe, Texas to Edom, Texas http://goo.gl/maps/vZEyT
The ride home map http://goo.gl/maps/P1Qgj
Map from Conroe, Texas to Edom, Texas http://goo.gl/maps/vZEyT
The ride home map http://goo.gl/maps/P1Qgj
I’ve commented before that our local forum schedules a monthly Pie Run to somewhere in the State with the sole purpose of likeminded individuals getting together to enjoy lunch and a slice of pie. We claim we are in pursuit of the perfect pie but really it’s a chance to get together and swap lies and half-truths. Heck I even heard a couple folks telling what sounded like true reports of rides, well actually it was what really happened to certain riders, other than themselves. These reports usually followed after the “other” rider told their version of the events.
The month of July found the scheduled location to be in Edom, Texas which is located in the Northeastern part of the state. Edom is located near the western edge of the Pineywoods, east southeast of Dallas just below the Interstate Highway that runs 1535 miles (2470 km) from just outside Kent, Texas to Florence, South Carolina.
Edom, at the crossing of Farm roads 279, 314, and 2339, sixteen miles southeast of Canton in southeast Van Zandt County, is the third oldest town in the county. It was first established several miles from its present site in 1849 and organized as a post office called Hamburg in 1852. In 1855 the post office moved one mile south of the present townsite. There it was renamed Edom for the name given to Esau in the book of Genesis. Local saloons filled with lumberjacks, freighters, and traders as the community became a stopover on the Porter's Bluff and Tyler Road. Sometime later the town was moved again to its present location. By 1860 it had a Baptist church, a Methodist church, a hotel, a Masonic lodge, a sawmill, a tanyard, a wagon factory, and a boot, shoe, and saddle shop. The Edom schools, which opened in 1866 with children of former Indian captive Cynthia Parker in attendance, enrolled 130 pupils in 1904. By 1876 a Grange was formed, and local farmers responded to worsening 1880s farm prices by forming a chapter of the Farmers' Alliance at nearby Red Hill on November 20, 1885. By 1914 the town had a cotton gin and four general stores. Railroad service failed to reach Edom, yet its population grew from 150 in the 1890s to between 200 and 300, where it remained from the 1920s to the present. Edom was an independent school district until 1966, when it was consolidated with Van. Artisans in pottery, silver jewelry, glassware, macrame, and leather crafts who settled in the town in the 1960s began Edom's annual arts and crafts fair in 1972. The community was incorporated in 1966 with 300 residents but lost its post office in 1976. In 1988 Edom had three businesses, the frontier Red Hill cemetery at or near the townsite, and an estimated 277 inhabitants. The population was 300 in 1990.
Ok, enough of the historical stuff. . . LET’S RIDE
July 28[SUP]th[/SUP] finally arrives and I meet up with half of my regular posse at our normal meet up spot to fill the tanks and go over a little of the route planned. A co-worker I had never met before (are they really co-workers if you’ve never met them before?) showed up to ride with us and one of the first things I hear from the posse is them telling Mike to “be prepared, Tony laid out the route so we are probably going to take a wrong turn or ten on the ride.” With friends like that, who needs enemies? Maybe they haven’t got use to my sense of adventure, be sides, if we hadn’t made a wrong turn or ten, there would have been a lot of roads we had never seen before. But they seem to point out there are planned roads we have never seen even after planning to ride them multiple times. I wonder what their point is. Oh well, I know how to get to Huntsville to where we were to meet up with Debbie, at least she never points out my wrong turns.
We roll into Huntsville and find Debbie waiting and Dave has decided to join us for the ride up to Edom where he will then head out to the monthly campout several do when heading to the Pie Runs. I think the actual reason they want to camp is to gather more information to spread at the next Pie Run about what the “other” rider did after a few adult beverages. One of these days I will have to join their little party to see for myself some of what goes on around the campfire. I don’t think they would have needed a campfire in Texas at the end of July, oh well, to each his own.
We did have one near incident on the ride up after stopping in Grapeland to unhydrate, rehydrate and stretch our legs. I noticed Debbie in my mirror waving me over as we were entering the highway so I headed for the shoulder to see what was going on. Just before I came to a full stop I heard her hit her horn and as I looked back she motion to carry on. I wasn’t sure what had happened but it must be good now.
The trip up was pretty uneventful, just riding some great farm roads and seeing some of what God Blessed East Texas with. And I’m happy to report; NO WRONG TURNS on the trip to Edom. I did find out the reason Debbie was flagging me to the shoulder of the road back in Grapeland. It appeared that my kick stand was not retracted completely but as we were moving to the shoulder she took a closer look and saw that it was completely retracted so she motioned me to continue the route.
The video slideshow appears better in full screen, well at least on my computer it appears better that way. . . (you might have to click on Vimeo on the right side of the video to get full screen access)
The weathermen & weatherwomen were wrong on their forecasts for our arrival time. They were reporting the temperature would be 99 DegF (37 C) with a Heat Index of 102 to 104 DegF (39 to 40 DegC) but it was only 91.4 DegF (33 DegC) with a Heat Index of 100.1 DegF (37.8 DegC). As we were loading up to head south again the temps had increased a little, 95 DegF (35 DegC) with a Heat Index of 103.2 DegF (39.5 DegC) so it was just another summer day in Texas. Of course the road surfaces were more like 120 to 130 (48.9 to 54.4 DegC) or more.
Time to eat, The Shed comes highly recommended so I looking forward to what they have to offer. I guess the hype outperformed the The Shed. The food was good, but nothing near the “Best” home cooking this side of Grandma’s house. Maybe it was because I ate one of the daily specials instead of off the menu. I’ll eat there again if the chance arises but I don’t think I’ll go out of my way to eat there, too many other places to try.
To be continued. . .