I ordered a .50 caliber ballpoint pen from Hemibee. It arrived to day and it is beautiful! Hemibee is an artisan and does excellent work. Thank you, Tony!!
Thanks, David.I like that looks nice!
Wow! That is draconian! Here I can legallyu own a .50 cal rifle; but not a .50 cal machine gun.Very well done.On a side note, in Australia just owning a pen like that could get you taken away and questioned by police and you're house searched looking for the 50 cal gun, that's how over the top gun laws are here.
That is not true in California, which is why Barrett came out with the .460 rifle, AND won't sell the .50 rifle to California law enforcement. They don't think it is right for law enforcement to have something the citizens cannot have. Yes, it is all politics, but I can understand it.Wow! That is draconian! Here I can legallyu own a .50 cal rifle; but not a .50 cal machine gun.
I agree with Barrett's rationale.That is not true in California, which is why Barrett came out with the .460 rifle, AND won't sell the .50 rifle to California law enforcement. They don't think it is right for law enforcement to have something the citizens cannot have. Yes, it is all politics, but I can understand it.