3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning project

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Hi All

As you may have read I have just purchased a 3TA Twenty One, it's a 1961 model (registered in December 1960) and has been off the road possibly since the early 70's.

There are a few things I want to get sorted before trying to recommission and I would welcome your advice.

I would like to fit a centre stand as there are a few things I need to deal with like the front brake but have just realised having just obtained the correct parts book (No4) that all the versions of stand I have seen on the bay etc are for later models so presumably will not fit my bike?

The front brake cable seems almost out of adjustment at the handlebar so I assume the cable is either the wrong one, stretched or the shoes warn out as there is no other adjustment?

Also although it has been partly restored the previous owner fitted a KMH speedo and I would like to rectify this if possible, any advice on where to go or what to look out for etc would be most appreciated.

Aside from a few nuts and bolts being replaced with metric needing attention there doesn't appear at first glance much to get sorted.

I have got the ball rolling towards reclaiming the number plate and obtaining a dating certificate which possibly will turn out to be the easy part!

Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

Sounds like a nice restoration job you will have here. Photos will be most welcome as it is always easer to comment once we have seen the bike.
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

image.jpgOne pic for starters. Eventually i would like to replace the grp bathtub and mudguard and get it resprayed but most important for now is getting it back on the road.
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

Thanks for the pic. It looks to be in good condition body wise. TUP I like it!
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

sounds like a good project, by the photo it doesn't seem like you will have too much to do to get it back on the road.
Front brake, you seem about spot on in your assessment, you wont know for sure until you take the front wheel out and inspect the pads as to whether its them or the cable or both, although you should be able to get a fair idea from where the brake arm is when its actually biting, it should be at an obtuse angle (> 90 degrees)when looking at an angle from the brake lever thru the pivot thru the centre of the hub.
Speedo - should be 80mph Chronometric - refer to kashif's (model 21 bathtub )restoration thread - excellent details there. should not be too hard to source a replacement dial from ebay and if that's all that's required its a fairly simple job to replace on a chrono speedo. check again on Kashif's model 21 resto thread or there should be a couple of other threads specific to speedos.
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

Great looking bike TUP
As has been said, you shouldn't have much trouble getting it back on the road since it's so complete.
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

Hi harper, thanks for the reply. I have found a replica speedo but looking at kashif's photos of his speedo rebuild (amazing, that guy has talent and patience!) I see that his is the 120MPH version yet his is also a 1961 model, was there a cross over point? (I have only been a 3TA owner for less than a week so have a lot to learn!!)

Also it seems some of the speedo's have the numbers around the bottom of the face and some over the top.... Excuse my ignorance!

I think this is the speedo I have fitted on my 3TA but KMH model as it looks identical and has no branding either: http://www.feked.com/speedometer-grey-face-replica.html

Does this replica look right? Comparing it to the graphics and original pictures on kashif's posts it looks way out! http://www.feked.com/smiths-chronometric-speedometer-0-80-mph-replica.html

Should I decide to replace the speedo will I need anything else other than a new cable as the current one is not chronometric? Ideally I would like an original but cannot justify a second mortgage!
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

sc 3304/11 1692 is the accurate smith speedo for 1961 triump 3ta...........and its 120mph plz avoid any replica or similarity and try to find it.....get one in whatever condition........i offer u that i ll fix that for u :)
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

sc 3304/11 1692 is the accurate smith speedo for 1961 triump 3ta...........and its 120mph plz avoid any replica or similarity and try to find it.....get one in whatever condition........i offer u that i ll fix that for u :)

That is a very generous and nice offer! TUP
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

Please please please don't go for a cheap Indian copy speedo, it would require a different cable and drive too, chances are it would fail in a short time.
If your current speedo looks half decent then chances are it may be working or can be fixed, without too much time spent on it - Kashif's offer is a good one.
OOPS and I see I made the 80/120mph mistake again - Triumph must have been very optimistic using the 120mph speedo.
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

Thank you so much Kashif, you are indeed a very kind and generous guy! If my 3TA will pass the UK MOT test without having to change the KMH speedo I will live with it for now but keep my eyes open for a good second hand unit when I am at the bike jumbles as although my bikes are not perfect I do like them to look "original" within reason.

No worries Harper, thank you for your advice anyway.

Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

Before i order a new centre stand does anyone know the differences between 82-4402 as listed in parts book 4 the correct one for my machine, and 82-5529 being shown on supreme motorcycles site as a replacement number? Are they for sure interchangeable? Thank you for any help on this as i already have one incorrect stand and dont need another!!
Re: 3TA Centre stand, speedo and general advice required please - recommissioning pro

Hi I have continued my research and 82-5529 was the stand for the late 3ta (after engine H29733) with a different frame number of 82-5406 as opposed to 82-4849 fitted to my machine. Still none the wiser as I have no idea what the differences were between the early and late 3ta frames..... anyone?
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