27 years, WOW, how did that happen?

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My wife and I went out tonight to celebrate our 27th anniversary. How in the world did that happen? Better yet, how has she put up with me for that long? In my line of work most everyone has been thru at least one divorce and some of them are on their third and fourth marriage. I guess she got lucky and found me. :y2:

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A very hardy congratulations to you and your most ....uhm forgiving wife, she must be a saint :y2:.
All b.s. aside really congrats. My first lasted 18 years and I was the "odd man out" amongst my piers. Most also on marriage 3-4....even 5.
I hope my current (2nd) lasts as long and beyond. Good on ya Hemi.
Much happiness to you and my condolences to the Misses. :y15:
Congrats on 27, that's considered a long time these days.:y45:
Way back I was told the secret to a happy marriage is BOTH parties have to work at it every day. The moment you think all's OK and things won't change they do.

Sharron and I have 41 years up and I'd marry her again if it was 1971 and I knew what I know now, I'd sure do some things better. BLUSH
Thanks for all the comments. TUP

One thing for sure, Kim's life has not been boring. She never knows what to expect next. :y2: if it's not me, then it's coming from one of the boys, especially from Kyle. For some reason most people say he's just like me but I disagree, he is way better at it than I could ever be.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.

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