26 Years

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It doesn't seem possible, Kim and I have been married 26 years today.
I'm still trying to figure out how she put up with me this long.

What seems remarkable to me is of the 35 people I've worked with over the years there has been 23 divorces mostly due to our work schedules.

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Tony, a hearty congratualtions to you both. That takes work on the part of both of you. TUP TUP

26 is a good innings these days.
Congratulations to both of you.
Now my advice. :y28: Don't take it for granted, keep working at it to keep it strong and hopefully make it better.
Thanks for the comments, we appreciate them.

A friend sent a message that most murderers get a shorter sentence than 26 years. Kim asked what she did wrong to get a real life sentence.

We celebrated in our normal fashion, I came home at 5:30 this morning and went straight to bed while she was getting ready to head out for work. Hopefully we will get the chance in a couple weeks to celebrate. Seems like our schedules always make us delay the celebration about a month.

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[HIGHJACK]Last July Sharron and I celebrated our 40th and when I asked what she'd like to do for the occasion she had a think and said "How about we wait and do something special on our 50th". What a woman![/HIGHJACK]
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[HIGHJACK]Last July Sharron and I celebrated our 40th and when I asked what she'd like to do for the occasion she had a think and said "How about we wait and do something special on our 50th". What a woman![/HIGHJACK]

Congratulations to both of you!BBEER
Me and Wendy celebrate our 25th next Tuesday. Doesn't time fly when your having fun?

Congratulations TUP

We've passed 48 years and are working on 49.
Time flies when you're having fun :y2:

Congrats to each of y'all. :y42: BBEER :y61: TUP
I didn't mean to hijack this thread from hemibee - if it seems that way.
I wouldn't mind if mine was also only 26 years and still had those 22 to go again.
But I probably wouldn't do anything different. I'm pretty happy with the way things went - and are going.
I wish my wife's health was better though, but that's something I couldn't and can't do anything about.
She's doing pretty well, all things considered, and has great medical care.
Stuff happens when you get older. Someday, when I get older :y27:, it will probably happen to me :y2:

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