knocking noise on engine deceleration which sounds like it is coming from the primary chain or clutch area all gears but seems worse in 1st. I have the cover removed and the primary chain appears to have 3/4" play,
In addition to checking the alternator rotor, adjust the primary chain correctly - 3/4" is excessive, it should be 1/2" from pulled-up to pushed-down; on engine deceleration, all the chain slack is in the top run, where the tensioner isn't.
You're a new owner? Be aware the bike is specifically a '78 T140E, which was an interim US-only version between the previous T140V and the '79-on T140E;
it is different from both:-
. Cycle parts are the same as the T140V.
. Engine parts are the same as the T140V except for cylinder head, carburettors and crankcase venting, which are the same as the '79-on T140E.
. Electrics are (were originally)
positive ground, not the '79-on T140E's negative ground. '78 T140E was also fitted originally with the same points, 12V coils, single-phase alternator and rectifier as other '78 bikes, not the '79-on T140E's original electronic ignition, 6V coils, 3-phase alternator and rectifier. The lighting toggle switch (on top of the headlamp) shell and wiring is peculiar to the '78 T140E; however, if you do ever need a new lighting switch, they are available as they were supplied by Lucas/used by Triumph on all models/versions/variants '68-'70 and '71-'74 on the 500's.
'78 T140E Owner's Manual is at It contains basic maintenance instructions, including adjusting the primary chain. However, be aware the Lighting switch and wiring diagrammed are T140V,
not '78 T140E.
The specific '78 T140E parts manual is "T140E 1978 Late 00-7003" available from
Vintage Bike Magazine » Parts Books; however be aware it's a Supplement listing only '78 T140E-peculiar parts, anything not listed/shown in the supplement is in the parts book for all '78 bikes (also on the same site).
Workshop manual is at; however, it does not contain anything '78-T140E-specific, only procedures and illustrations common to all '78 bikes.