1972 orange and off white Daytona

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I am restoring a couple of 1972 Daytonas. One of them was orange and a creamy white. Can anyone tell me where I can get matching paint in the uk. For the second one, what would be my colour options for 1972?
I believe a pure white and metallic red where a color option for that year. The white is non-metallic if memory serves and owned one back in the late 80's So its a bit "hazy". :y2:
Good luck with the restores we need pics.:y15:
Well here are some paint codes so I am sure any good paint shop should be able to mix it up for you

Acidic yellow ppg triumph acidic t3120300-fd
aegean blue dupont/ivc bec1717/l3885 t3120300-jh
aluminium dupont 460790101 t3120300-mh
amber schoch 673 ome 28 t3120300-ec
assam black dupont bec 089 t3120300-pa
aston green dupont 487850101 t3120300-hh
aubergine schoch 673 ome 24 t3120300-tc
azure blue ppg triumph azure t3120300-jp
aztec gold ivc l4163 t3120300-gg
barracuda blue dupont bec 1393 t3120300-je
black (matt) dupont g12 t3120300-pq
british racing green dupont 461210101 t3120300-ha
burgundy dupont bec 1136 t3120300-ta
candy apple red dupont bec 1396 t3120300-ce
cardinal red schoch 673 ome 26 t3120300-cl
caribbean blue dupont bec 1067 t3120300-ja
caspian blue dupont 462110101 t3120300-jd
cassis red ivc l3145 t3120300-co
champagne ivc l3126 t3120300-gf
charcoal grey dupont bec 918 t3120300-la
cherry black dupont bec 650 t3120300-pb
cherry red dupont bec 368 t3120300-tb
chilli red schoch 674 ome 20 t3120300-ck
chromium ivc l3119 t3120300-mg
cobalt blue ivc l2263 t3120300-jj
copper ivc l2398 t3120300-gd
cream dupont/ppg bec 1658 t3120300-va
cream (2k) dupont 485970101 t3120300-va
diablo black dupont bec 1342 t3120300-pc
eclipse blue ivc l3063 t3120300-jn
emerald green ppg triumph emerald t3120300-hj
fireball orange dupont bec 1657 t3120300-eb
flamboyant silver ivc l2399 t3120300-me
forest green dupont rf 2510 t3120300-hi
fusion white dupont 486950101 t3120300-nf
goodwood green dupont 486310101 t3120300-hk
graphite ivc l3725 t3120300-lc
heritage gold dupont bec 1889 t3120300-gc
heritage green ivc l2341 t3120300-hd
imperial green schoch 673 cal 28 t3120300-he
ivory dupont bec 1893 t3120300-ne
jet black ivc l2344 t3120300-pg
khaki schoch 674 cal 28 t3120300-hf
lancaster red dupont bdc 858 t3120300-ca
lightning yellow ivc l2590 t3120300-fc
lucifer orange ivc l2501 t3120300-ed
merlot red dupont bec 1936 t3120300-ch
midnight blue dupont bec 1258 t3120300-jc
neon blue dupont rf 2511 t3120300-jo
nightshade dupont bec 1656 t3120300-kd
nuclear red dupont rf 2508 t3120300-cq
obsidian black ivc l2819 t3120300-pp
opal white dupont 486950101 t3120300-nf
oxford blue dupont bec 1259 t3120300-jb
pacific blue dupont bec 1954 t3120300-ji
pimento red dupont bec 1479 t3120300-cf
platinum ivc l2367 t3120300-ge
racing green schoch 673 cal 28 t3120300-he
racing yellow dupont bec 1514 t3120300-fa
racing yellow alt ivc l3422 t3120300-fa
racing yellow (2k) dupont 488120101 t3120300-fa
radiant red dupont bec 1088 t3120300-cb
roulette green ivc l2589 t3120300-hg
ruby red ivc l2342 t3120300-cj
sapphire blue dupont 460660101 t3120300-jm
scorched yellow ivc 1000792 (l4819) t3120300-fg
scarlet red dupont rf 2509 t3120300-cr
sky blue ppg triumph sky t3120300-jq
slate grey dupont bec 1754 t3120300-lb
strontium yellow schoch 674 cal 22 t3120300-fb
sunset red dupont bec1661t t3120300-cp
tangerine dupont bec 2647/f1875 t3120300-ee
tangerine (2k) dupont 485940101 t3120030-ee
tornado red dupont bec 2211 t3120300-cm
tornado red ivc l2804 t3120300-cm
turquoise schoch 673 ome 29 t3120300-jk
turquoise mica schoch 674 cas 22 t3120300-jl
violet dupont bec 1890 t3120300-ke
volcanic red schoch 674 ome 39 t3120300-cn
warm silver ivc l2244 t3120300-md
That is brilliant thank you. Which of those colours are the 1972 Orange and cream a la Daytona? Th cold white sounds plausible but the orange is not a cherry Red.
Daytona_500.png This is what the colour scheme looks like.
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My info is taken from the J.R. Nelson book, "Triumph Tiger 100/Daytona."
Only Cherry red and cold white are listed as clours in 1972 for both the T100R and T100C.
In 1973 the colours were listed as ice-white and Hi-Fi vermillion with black lining for the U.S. Market. The UK and export models were gold and astral blue with black lining.
In 1971 the colours were Olympic flame and black with white lining. The T100R had a black waist stripe while the T100C was solid Olympic flame on the gas tank.
I can find no orange and cream colours.
That is brilliant thank you. Which of those colours are the 1972 Orange and cream a la Daytona? Th cold white sounds plausible but the orange is not a cherry Red.
View attachment 10973 This is what the colour scheme looks like.

That's not a 1972 factory paint scheme or colours. The 1972 tanks did not have that white scallop (or any colour scallop), but rather the top of the tank was painted cherry red with the frontal area under the tank badge in cold white running back along the bottom of the tank.
I should have scanned a picture before I started this reply, but will do it now and reply later.
What are the colours in the picture I posted? Any idea? It looks like Orange to me and I have seen a contemporary advert that is this colour. However, my colour vision is not brilliant and so maybe some people would call this red. I have absolutely no idea what vermillion is!
I am glad I asked this as (a) I don't absolutely love the colour and (b) I want some thing original.
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Oh, there's no doubt about it being orange! Your eyes aren't deceiving you :y2:
Vermillion is a bright red.
This is a B & W picture from the Nelson book along with a shot I took of a bike at a bike show.
This is just to show you the paint scheme and roughly what the colours look like.


Daytona 2.jpg
It may be a computer / monitor thing, but that 'Olympic Flame" as shown in post #16 is far too red. I have a mate with a 69 T120 Olympic Flame (unrestored) original tank and it's more orange than that photo.
But more important is what YOU, the owner wants, pleasing to you, or originality.

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