I know these old Bonnie's have a tendency to vibrate like none other, but should it effect me as much to not take it on a longer distance ride? (as in on the highway for greater than 30 minutes haha) I used to ride it out of the city, probably 15 minutes of highway riding at 110km to work and back once or twice a week, but i'm starting to be more hesitant as of late, having lost one license plate already and a stress fracture on a tail light causing it to break off the bracket. Not to mention having a close call with one nut on the back tire going loose, but luckily I noticed before taking off or something serious could've happened. So as a result, I have been strictly riding it around town under highway speeds preventing any further damage. Should I just be getting in the habit of doing pre ride checks and just make sure everything is secured? then no need to worry? Because I really want to take it out for longer distance rides, I probably haven't rode it on the highway for more than 20 minutes at a time in fear of something serious happening.