16 Reasons Pittsburgh Is The Greatest City On The Planet

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Yes Pittsburgh is nice but..........................

Sorry Seeker.......ya know I "had to" :y2:
SMARTASS (thought I would beat ya to it!) :y15:
What an awesome photo in that tongue in cheek article though.....


Posted with TapaTalk
Seeker, ya know I razz ya. But Pittsburgh is a beautiful city. The pic Dave highlighted is awesome. And if you all ever get a chance to be there for the 4th of July it is a spectacular site.

Birdman you wheren't supposed to tell them, Cleveland always let them win too because we felt sorry for them, what with that mentally handicap quarterback and all.
Seeker, ya know I razz ya. But Pittsburgh is a beautiful city. The pic Dave highlighted is awesome. And if you all ever get a chance to be there for the 4th of July it is a spectacular site.

Birdman you wheren't supposed to tell them, Cleveland always let them win too because we felt sorry for them, what with that mentally handicap quarterback and all.

Yes Sir, it took a Louisiana Boy to come up there and help them win a few football games and then to carry on what he taught them. Go DAWGS!
The author had better be careful......

She sort of makes fun of the Pirates in #10. But our Buccos have the best record in the MLB at the moment.

I don't know how Pittsburghers will react to having a baseball team finish with a winning record after 20 years!

I'm ecstatic about them doing so well...it's been a long wait and they are deserving of it after all these years of losing.

The downside? I always bought these sheets of coupons for Pirate tickets in the off season...for $39.95 you got 4 free game tickets and 4 coupons for buy 1 get 1 free seats. The only catch was you had to show up the night of the game to redeem them and the game couldn't be sold out.

Well, now that they are winning, every game is sold out making my $39.95 investment useless! :thumbdown:

Posted with TapaTalk
Have you all reached this point?

Pirate fans were at that point after 19 years of finishing under 500.

It used to be that at this time of the year all attention was on the Steeler's camp in Latrobe, PA.

But with the Pirates 26 games over 500 and having the best record in baseball (at the moment) the Steelers are suddenly in the shadows.

It's actually really something to behold!

Posted with TapaTalk

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