Jim (The Village Idiot) and his son-in-law, Toby, came down from St Augustine today and helped me hook up the trailer and then they loaded my Tiger for me. Normally I would have done mos tof the 12,000 mile service myself except for the valve check. I took the bike to the dealer where they unloaded it for me. Since I can't ride anyway, I figured this was a good time to have the service done.
I sincerely thank Jim and Toby for their kindness and help.
Now I will have to sit on my Bonnie and my TR6 with my new helmet on and go vroom, vroom.
I did crank the Tiger up and ride it across the yard to the trailer!
I sincerely thank Jim and Toby for their kindness and help.
Now I will have to sit on my Bonnie and my TR6 with my new helmet on and go vroom, vroom.