A couple weeks ago I made the suggestion that Tom (son-in-law) should follow me for a change of pace on our next Sunday ride. The weather has been very uncooperative the last few weeks and today was our first opportunity to go for a ride, albeit dodging puddles, mud and sand on the road. We changed engine oil last week so this was our first excursion post oil change and Tom usually leads but I reminded him I wanted to lead. After getting to his place found my Sena sound to low to overcome my exhaust so had to increase the volume a bit to actually hear him and after we set out he noticed how much water was still on the road. He's a bit OCD when it comes to his bike being clean and sparkly. I altered our normal route a little having been down it last Friday and knowing where the trouble spots were and he was keeping up with me no problem. We got over to Grapevine and turning onto HWY 26 I opened up the RS in first, second and chopped the throttle off in third. Tom caught up to me and said that my RS 1200 was definately faster than his 1050, no question. I said I was just trying to circulate the oil a bit (hee hee). We got over toward Flower Mound and coming off a stop light opened to 77mph in first gear, and was still a couple thousand RPM from redline. Tom asked if that was the fastest I'd ever gone in first, answer, "not really, 83 is the highest I've been." We stopped for some iced coffee at 151 in Roanoke and enjoyed the cool air and light breeze in the outdoor seating. Afterward I said Tom could lead going home, he said he preferred leading because he had never heard my exhaust from behind until today and it was obnoxiously loud, even with ear plugs in. I said he should try it from where I'm sitting on the bike. A quieter exhaust may be in the near future, the thing howls like a long tail cat in a room full of rocking chairs when you get on the throttle.
Racefit canister bolted to the catalytic converter: May need a diffuser........
Racefit canister bolted to the catalytic converter: May need a diffuser........