Hi all, let me start off with some background. OK so 1200 XE what a wonderful thing, when I fist got it most commented "Jeez he wont get that dirty" now all I get is "clean that bloody thing will you!" which brings me to my next gripe! "ADVENTURE" yes it say's Scrambler on the side I know,(I can read) but most Adventure bikes have NO class at all, none what so ever, so I give you the 1200 XE Adventure (scrambler). Stay with me here hold on I know this is a bit of a stretch for many and this will overwhelm some so hold on take it easy, keep it together mate, I'm getting there, BUT some people consider Honda Postie bikes "adventure bikes" and travel the world on these little Honda CT90? and have made good money publishing their ADVENTURE into a book!. so why not 1200 XE adventure! (rhetorical question).
Anyway this is a long Segway to what I really want to discuss and that is why hasn't anyone made a single exhaust (two into one) for my 1200 XE that DOESN'T cost drug money! You know like the Africa Twin or the GS 850? and don't give me any rubbish like "OH you cannot adventurise an XE"(well you can) or "you've already spent thousands on your current system"(actually it came with the bike). The fact is the current crop of exhaust manufacturers are asking for DRUG MONEY for there wares so how come were paying $2000-$3000 for an exhaust system for a motor bike when car owners pay a fraction of this for an entire system for the car? I really don't get it and I think many feel the same. MIKE DROP!
Anyway this is a long Segway to what I really want to discuss and that is why hasn't anyone made a single exhaust (two into one) for my 1200 XE that DOESN'T cost drug money! You know like the Africa Twin or the GS 850? and don't give me any rubbish like "OH you cannot adventurise an XE"(well you can) or "you've already spent thousands on your current system"(actually it came with the bike). The fact is the current crop of exhaust manufacturers are asking for DRUG MONEY for there wares so how come were paying $2000-$3000 for an exhaust system for a motor bike when car owners pay a fraction of this for an entire system for the car? I really don't get it and I think many feel the same. MIKE DROP!