Bonneville T100
I started my '79 T140 up and was going for a ride when I forgot that I had something to do before I left, I shut it down. When I got back to it and tried to start it, nothing. No lights when I turned the switch on. Nothing when I hit the starter button. My bike has an Ozzie Oswald QPD (Quiet Power Drive) starter system. I took the head light off to check to see if the kill switch wire had worked lose from the connector. Everything there was OK. I took the switch out to see if a wire had come off a lug. Everything there was OK. I am thinking that I may take the starter switch apart to see if a wire has come loose. I installed a 1981 right handlebar switch with a push button starter switch. Other than that I am at wits end. I guess I will start tracing wires I guess to see if that is a problem. Any suggestions please send them to me. All suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.