2017 T120 X pipe and TBR slip ons

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Just installed the X pipe , had the TBR Slip ons on since March. With Cat is was a bit louder without cat a lot louder. Havent had time to cruise it yet so will see how it runs. I have a Power Commander for it and pods. Power Commander will be next. Just wanted to see how loosening up the Exhaust would work first. One change at a time.
With TBR slipons and Cat.


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Finally got to go for a ride. I did the idle wait for fan to start 12 minute reset. I thought it ran worse for the first 20 miles then it got better. It runs ok but not worth the price of the slip ons and x pipe. Power wise it's a bit stronger though roll on in 6th gear feels weaker to me. I did a couple of rolling starts and it pulled a tad better. With saddle bags full of junk and a bug zapper strapped to the back rest(sissy bar)(i bought and was bringing home) it got to 180 kmph or 111.8 mph faster than before. In fact it usually only got to around 170 before , So definitely a bit more top end power. Now the power commander 5 and dyno tune. Oh yah its loud , that sucks , you can make it snap through the pipes downshifting and closing throttle on shifts at 6 grand.
I had the dyno shop (Echo Cycle) install the Power Commander 5 and dyno tune it with stock air cleaner. They said they did not correct the rear wheel hp to sea level . So the density air was about 3500 ft that day at dyno time and it made 72.02 Hp @ 6340 rpm and 74.89 Torque @ 3380 rpm at rear wheel. So corrected it was just over 80 hp at crank .I drag race and I figured corrected @ crank 82 to 84. But a dyno is just a number. Run it at the track and you will see real numbers. Rode it home better but not great for all the cash input. So talking with Brian Ballard @ www.AJCyclesNY.com he said pull the snorkel out of the air box. WOW what a difference it flies now. It picks the wheel 1st to 2nd & 2nd to 3rd and gets to 100 mph quick. Now i like this. He said the pods I got from them will give it even more in the top end rpm. Brian Ballard also sent me a baseline tune for the power commander. Nice guy. He has given me his knowledge freely. A&J Cycle are getting in some 39 tooth sprockets soon going to try one. By the way the fuel mileage is still great . The dyno guy has it set up that its leaner at part throttle and richens up at full. So The big hold back on the new T120 is the air box just like so many people have said. The throttle is smother and it runs effortlessly now. But its loud.

Raisch says you lose mechanical 7.5 % of HP from crank to wheel. Bonneville T120

The Snorkel on the T120 sticks a long way into the air box. So the air comes in one side down the long pipe and hits the other side of the air box , because the snorkel is so long , then has to turn down and go around a deflector to the air filter. I wonder how it would run if I cut the snorkel shorter so it jut fits in the gasket. Will try it .


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Let us know how that works. I have not dealt with removing the snorkel on EFI bikes. I know removing the snorkel on my carbed T100's helped the breathing. I had to reject so it was not running lean.
I’m interested in this one too . Have not done any change to my Thruxton R intake yet but have been contemplating for a long while . Lots of info in Thruxton forum about power mods . Two common points ..... decats increase power nicely but after market pipes change only the looks. And snorkel mods tend to increase mid range at the expense of hi end horse power. Thruxton pipes are straight thru right from the factory so hard to decrease restrictions no matter how much you spend on replacements. T 120 may benefit from muffler changes or install of Thruxton pipes ,there are lots of them out there not being used.
So with Snorkel out of air box and K&N filter and bike retuned on dyno picked up 4.92 hp (76.94 RWHP @ 6230 rpm) I brought my weather station and had DA of 3685 ft

Tune with stock snorkel no air box mods was 72.02 RWHP @ 6340 rpm

I cut snorkel off short so it just went into air box and dynoed 67.62 hp @ 5450 SO dont shorten your snorkel. lol

So 76.94 hp x 7.5 % (mech loss) = 5.77 hp 76.94 +5.77 = 82.71 @ crank @ 3685 ft DA (So i now have a 80 hp Bonnie at my altitude)

hp corrected to sea level = 89 ish hp @ crank But all just numbers that i am sure are not truly accurate. The real number was the 4.92 hp snorkel removal gain.

About in line with this kit. PowerKit Bonneville T120 Stage 2

It now pulls great in all gears and will easily do 180 kmph


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Looking closer at the photos it would appear the Thruxton intake pipe is a very different size / shape hose ,if you want to call it that , and probably 2 or 3 times bigger than the pictures. This would explain the big power jump on the 120 compared to the more moderate improvement on Thruxtons with the milled air cleaner mod. Shortening the tube has a much larger negative effect on the 120 , obviously the air must be moved to the opposite side of the air box in the stock set up and the pipe being relatively close to the air cleaner is not as big aa issue as you might think . On the Thruxton you can put your hand in the air box and touch the bottom of the filter , the stock filter seems plenty big and I think points to the small hose also , as being the major restriction. Obviously easier to get big gains on the T 120 than on the Thruxton. Brooke
That’s better , sudden drop off at 6700 rpm is where the stock tune shuts the throttle by 15 % or so for your safety. Was wondering if the 120 had that too. The powcam can’t overcome that ,too bad as another 700 rpm or so would up the horsepower nicely. Do you know what size throttle body or bodies she’s got.
That’s better , sudden drop off at 6700 rpm is where the stock tune shuts the throttle by 15 % or so for your safety. Was wondering if the 120 had that too. The powcam can’t overcome that ,too bad as another 700 rpm or so would up the horsepower nicely. Do you know what size throttle body or bodies she’s got.
Do not know TB size. Just what the T120 came with. Interesting on the 15% TB closeing. Raisch says they up the rpm by 500 with the power commander? The power commander 5 I have piggy backs the stock tuner so 02 sensors are in and working. Interesting how that works.
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