Well-Known Member
Do not let any shop that drills into you're ECU work on it. If anybody can do it Guhl Performance can. Guhl does all re-programming thru the stock connectors, he does not cut into the ECU. He told me he was concentrating all his time on the Japanese bikes. Currently he does no European bikes as far as I know. This guy really knows his business and until he is persuaded to take on the Triumph My ECU will remain stock. Don Guhl has done ECU work for Honda's factory Indy team. I have repeatedly posted on this forum that if you are interested in a ECU with the stock restrictions removed CALL his shop and request he re-flash you're ECU. He will have to see enough demand before he is going to put the R&D into mapping the Triumph ECU code to perform re-flashes.
I'm not doubting Guhl's expertise in any way, but your wrong about your assumptions, and my question was around the point that the Triupmh ECU is locked preventing any third party from doing any tampering or flashing by any method, that was my understanding, subject to correction.
I had FTECU the top Team Yamaha racing tuner in California in fact extract the code from my MT07 ECU, it is common practice in their case to open the ecu by drilling a small hole to access the necessary contacts, they reseal it with factory epoxy compound. This is only necessary on the first ECU to obtain the tables or raw data, which then have to be laboriously interpreted into usable data. ( I don't pretend to understand the particulars) After this is done once to one ECU it is a simple matter of re-flashing subsequent ECUs through the factory ECU connectors. Since in my case they did not have an "open" ECU for the MT07 they offered to use mine at no risk to get the tables, after which, I had Nels Byersdorf at 2WheelDynoWorks flash my ECU to specifications I requested. The data for the MT07 ECU is now listed on the FTECU website for tuners, and I was compensated by FTECU in a very nice way.
If you don't know these companies, I suggest you google them.
My question remains: aren't the Triumph WCTwins locked, preventing any flashing? It is what I have read everywhere else.