Should Riders Run Red Lights?

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In the one city I stayed in they had loads of these types of traffic lights and it really was an issue. I got to the stage where I would try and avoid riding those roads because of it.

Should riders run red lights?

Washington has joined more than a dozen states in the US to introduce laws allowing motorcycle riders to proceed through red lights. And it’s about time we had it in Australia.

The laws differ with some USA states requiring riders just to stop first, others requiring them to wait a certain amount of time and others requiring them to wait for a complete cycle of the lights.


Tell-tale cut marks in the road

The laws are designed to solve the problem of some bikes not being detected by the traffic light sensor at “vehicle actuated” intersections. This can happen because the bike is too light, has too much alloy or is not in the correct position on the road.

There are varying types of sensors used around the world but the most common is called an inductor loop. It consists of a wire loop placed in the asphalt leaving a telltale rectangular cutting in the centre of the lane road surface to detect the metal in the engine block.

However they often don’t detect small bikes. Also, most riders tend to pull-up in the wheel tracks to avoid the slippery oil spills in the centre of the lane.

When the lights won’t activate, it means riders have to sit for long periods in the sun or rain and hold up traffic behind them. Some riders have been known to become so frustrated, they get off their bike and press the pedestrian button to actuate the lights.

The American states have not only identified that this is a matter of inconvenience, but also a matter of safety as these vehicles are in a vulnerable position and riders can also suffer heat exhaustion sitting still for a long time on very hot days.

It is something that should be considered for Australia with our extremes of weather.

US states with safe-on-red laws:

  • Arkansas – (2005) allows a motorcyclist to proceed with caution, after coming to a full and complete stop, through a red light that fails to detect the bike. (Arkansas Code section 27-52-206)
  • Idaho – (2006) If a signal fails to operate after one cycle of the traffic light that a motorcyclist may proceed, using due caution and care, after coming to a full and complete stop at the intersection. (Statute 49-802)
  • Illinois – (2012) Permits a driver of a motorcycles or bicycle facing a red light that fails to change within a reasonable period of time of not less than 120 seconds to proceed after yielding the right-of-way to any oncoming traffic. However, this law doesn’t apply to municipalities of over 2,000,000 people – such as Chicago. (625 ILCS 5/11-306)
  • Minnesota – (2002) A person operating a bicycle or motorcycle who runs a red light has an affirmative defense if the driver first came to a complete stop, the traffic light stayed red for an unreasonable amount of time and appeared not to detect the vehicle and no motor vehicles or people were approaching the street. (Statute 169.06)
  • Missouri – (2009) State law tells both motorcyclists and bicyclists that run red lights that they have an affirmative defense if they brought their vehicle to a complete stop, the light was red for an unreasonable time period, and there were no motor vehicle or person approaching. (Statute 304.285)
  • Nevada – (2013) Those using motorcycles, bicycles, mopeds, and tri-mobiles are allowed to proceed through an intersection with a red light after waiting for two traffic light cycles, and they yield to other vehicle traffic or pedestrians. (Statute 484B.307)
  • North Carolina – (2007) Motorcyclists are permitted to move cautiously through a steady red light after coming to a complete stop and waiting a minimum of three minutes and if no other vehicle or pedestrians are approaching the intersection. (NCGS 20-158)
  • Oklahoma – (2010) Motorcycles can proceed cautiously through a steady red light intersection after a making a complete stop and if no other motor vehicle or person is approaching the roadway. (Statute 47-11-202)
  • South Carolina – (2008) After making a complete stop and waiting for a minimum of 120 seconds, the driver of a motorcycle, moped, or bicycle may treat a steady red light that doesn’t change as a stop sign and proceed with caution. (S.C. Code 56-5-970)
  • Tennessee – (2003) After coming to a complete stop, motorcyclists and bicyclists may proceed through a steady red light when it is safe to do so. (Tennessee Traffic Control Signals 55-8-110)
  • Virginia – (2011) Drivers of motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles may move with caution through non-responsive red lights as long as they yield the right-of-way to others approaching the intersection, and have come to a complete stop for two complete light cycles or 120 seconds, whichever is shorter.(Statute 46-2-833)
  • Washington - (2014) Riders must wait for a full cycle of the lights before proceeding safely.Wisconsin – (2006) A motorcycle, moped or bicycle is permitted to run a steady red light after making a complete stop and waiting at least 45 seconds and then yields the right–of-way to any vehicular traffic or pedestrians using the intersection. (Statute 346.37)
Source - Should riders run red lights? - Motorbike Writer
This is a tough one ! Over here the lights are a lot lower and on posts so they usually always pick you up.
So here I would say no !
I can't say in other parts of the world as I've not riden nor driven there , so some of you will have to answer that .
If your out in the sticks and there's a set of lights at a cross roads and there not changing then may be ?
But in a built up area with loads of traffic ....I don't think so !
I cannot see this being a good think in heavy traffic areas, then again this is where the bikes are holding up traffic behind them by not triggering the traffic lights. They actually need to rethink the technology that triggers the lights to make it bike friendly and also safe for bikers.
I'm glad to know this. I guess I was legal doing it the other day when I thought I wasn't! :chicken:

This happens to me a lot at one particular light going it to work. No oncoming traffic at all and the light cycles through skipping me. I usually wait for someone in a cage to come up behind me, then it switches. Not knowing this law existed, a few days ago, I proceeded anyway....
In Texas we are NOT to proceed thru the intersection unless the light is activated with two exceptions. The first is to make a right on red and then work out a new route. The second is if you are directed to move thru the intersection by a LEO. Well now that I've typed that it seems I remember a third time, if you are holding up an emergency vehicle you can proceed thru the intersection.

If a traffic signal does not detect a vehicle, whether it is a bike or car, it can be reported and controlling agency is supposed to respond to the area to make adjustments in a specific amount of time due to safety factors. I've heard the time frame is 24 to 72 hours depending on who controls the signal. This method actually works, they do come out and adjust the sensors and/or the controller that receives the indication a vehicle is present.

Another trick to use on the in road sensors is to pull up and place your engine over the corner of the grid. There is more of the sensor loop at this location and has been know to help trigger the signal. I make it a common practice to try and stop in that location. I have actually had to signal the car behind me to ease forward until the sensors could detect their car. This can be a tricky move, most of the drivers don't know what you are trying to do and some will refuse to move closer while others just ignore you.
You must live a charmed life. :y2:

There isn't a bunch of lights around here, at least on my normal routes, that don't cycle correctly so it's not a big problem. Every one I've called on have already been reported and the next time I'm at that intersection they are working properly, sometimes an hour later.
You must live a charmed life. :y2:

There isn't a bunch of lights around here, at least on my normal routes, that don't cycle correctly so it's not a big problem. Every one I've called on have already been reported and the next time I'm at that intersection they are working properly, sometimes an hour later.
We'll I would say it's you hemi with the charmed life !!!!!....getting them fixed that quick....if that was here you'd be waiting weeks for a repair ..........don't know there born do they rocky !
Another trick to use on the in road sensors is to pull up and place your engine over the corner of the grid. There is more of the sensor loop at this location and has been know to help trigger the signal. I make it a common practice to try and stop in that location. I have actually had to signal the car behind me to ease forward until the sensors could detect their car. This can be a tricky move, most of the drivers don't know what you are trying to do and some will refuse to move closer while others just ignore you.

If I sit through a full cycle or if the light never changes for me, I will run the red light.

We don't seem to have this problem here.
I've often been the first vehicle (sometime only vehicle) and the lights cycle normally.

It is rare here. There are a few older lights that simply do not detect motorcycles or scooters. All of the updated ones seem to work fine.
In the one city I stayed in they had loads of these types of traffic lights and it really was an issue. I got to the stage where I would try and avoid riding those roads because of it.

Should riders run red lights?
View attachment 27242
Washington has joined more than a dozen states in the US to introduce laws allowing motorcycle riders to proceed through red lights. And it’s about time we had it in Australia.

The laws differ with some USA states requiring riders just to stop first, others requiring them to wait a certain amount of time and others requiring them to wait for a complete cycle of the lights.

View attachment 27243
Tell-tale cut marks in the road

The laws are designed to solve the problem of some bikes not being detected by the traffic light sensor at “vehicle actuated” intersections. This can happen because the bike is too light, has too much alloy or is not in the correct position on the road.

There are varying types of sensors used around the world but the most common is called an inductor loop. It consists of a wire loop placed in the asphalt leaving a telltale rectangular cutting in the centre of the lane road surface to detect the metal in the engine block.

However they often don’t detect small bikes. Also, most riders tend to pull-up in the wheel tracks to avoid the slippery oil spills in the centre of the lane.View attachment 27244

When the lights won’t activate, it means riders have to sit for long periods in the sun or rain and hold up traffic behind them. Some riders have been known to become so frustrated, they get off their bike and press the pedestrian button to actuate the lights.

The American states have not only identified that this is a matter of inconvenience, but also a matter of safety as these vehicles are in a vulnerable position and riders can also suffer heat exhaustion sitting still for a long time on very hot days.

It is something that should be considered for Australia with our extremes of weather.

US states with safe-on-red laws:

  • Arkansas – (2005) allows a motorcyclist to proceed with caution, after coming to a full and complete stop, through a red light that fails to detect the bike. (Arkansas Code section 27-52-206)View attachment 27245
  • Idaho – (2006) If a signal fails to operate after one cycle of the traffic light that a motorcyclist may proceed, using due caution and care, after coming to a full and complete stop at the intersection. (Statute 49-802)
  • Illinois – (2012) Permits a driver of a motorcycles or bicycle facing a red light that fails to change within a reasonable period of time of not less than 120 seconds to proceed after yielding the right-of-way to any oncoming traffic. However, this law doesn’t apply to municipalities of over 2,000,000 people – such as Chicago. (625 ILCS 5/11-306)
  • Minnesota – (2002) A person operating a bicycle or motorcycle who runs a red light has an affirmative defense if the driver first came to a complete stop, the traffic light stayed red for an unreasonable amount of time and appeared not to detect the vehicle and no motor vehicles or people were approaching the street. (Statute 169.06)
  • Missouri – (2009) State law tells both motorcyclists and bicyclists that run red lights that they have an affirmative defense if they brought their vehicle to a complete stop, the light was red for an unreasonable time period, and there were no motor vehicle or person approaching. (Statute 304.285)
  • Nevada – (2013) Those using motorcycles, bicycles, mopeds, and tri-mobiles are allowed to proceed through an intersection with a red light after waiting for two traffic light cycles, and they yield to other vehicle traffic or pedestrians. (Statute 484B.307)
  • North Carolina – (2007) Motorcyclists are permitted to move cautiously through a steady red light after coming to a complete stop and waiting a minimum of three minutes and if no other vehicle or pedestrians are approaching the intersection. (NCGS 20-158)
  • Oklahoma – (2010) Motorcycles can proceed cautiously through a steady red light intersection after a making a complete stop and if no other motor vehicle or person is approaching the roadway. (Statute 47-11-202)
  • South Carolina – (2008) After making a complete stop and waiting for a minimum of 120 seconds, the driver of a motorcycle, moped, or bicycle may treat a steady red light that doesn’t change as a stop sign and proceed with caution. (S.C. Code 56-5-970)
  • Tennessee – (2003) After coming to a complete stop, motorcyclists and bicyclists may proceed through a steady red light when it is safe to do so. (Tennessee Traffic Control Signals 55-8-110)
  • Virginia – (2011) Drivers of motorcycles, mopeds, and bicycles may move with caution through non-responsive red lights as long as they yield the right-of-way to others approaching the intersection, and have come to a complete stop for two complete light cycles or 120 seconds, whichever is shorter.(Statute 46-2-833)
  • Washington - (2014) Riders must wait for a full cycle of the lights before proceeding safely.Wisconsin – (2006) A motorcycle, moped or bicycle is permitted to run a steady red light after making a complete stop and waiting at least 45 seconds and then yields the right–of-way to any vehicular traffic or pedestrians using the intersection. (Statute 346.37)
Source - Should riders run red lights? - Motorbike Writer
NCGS 20-158 is a defense to running a red light controlled by an activation device in the roadway because a motorcycle is not heavy enough to activate the device which changes the red light to a green light. The 3 minute period of time is in there because there is no traffic light anywhere in the state that will stay red for that long of a period of time under normal operating conditions.normal circumstances. I think this is a good law and should be the law in every state. To me traffic laws should be the same in every state. That would simplify matters when you travel.

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