Been here a while, so time to get involved.
Got a 1996 trohy that has been stood awhile. I have been informed that the carb's have bee cleaned but it will not start readily and takes a time to settle to idling. With riding seems to get better but m/g is very bad.
I changed the thermostate as when run on the drive the temp rises until the fan comes on, but when on the road the temp display shows a cold engine but whe stopped temp begins to ride which sayes to me that the air passing through the radiator is coolig the water so the engine. this is not good as a cold engine is not runing at its best....... Any ideas..
Got a 1996 trohy that has been stood awhile. I have been informed that the carb's have bee cleaned but it will not start readily and takes a time to settle to idling. With riding seems to get better but m/g is very bad.
I changed the thermostate as when run on the drive the temp rises until the fan comes on, but when on the road the temp display shows a cold engine but whe stopped temp begins to ride which sayes to me that the air passing through the radiator is coolig the water so the engine. this is not good as a cold engine is not runing at its best....... Any ideas..