Would you Buy A Cell Phone From This Woman????

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Now that is misleading advertising. I've been riding for over forty years and I've never seen anything like that.
Not even close!
I would buy almost anything from a hot woman selling something!

As a mater of fact, I have a silly story about just that.....

When I first moved to Cincinnati I knew absolutely no one there. So a knock comes to my apartment door and I answer it. There at my door is a super-hot woman who's selling books for the Church of Scientology. I didn't care what she was selling and told her she could come in. We talked and I ended up with a book that I never read. Somewhere along the line, I must have filled-out some type of questionnaire and I put my old home address on it.

The next time I spoke to my Dad he asked if I got caught up in some type of cult because he had been picking-up my mail at my old home address and I was getting literature from this church!! I had to explain to him how that happened and he had a good laugh over it!
the sad thing is i had a ducati 1098 that i traded in for my tiger 800 xc i kinda miss her so now im looking for a ducati 1198 but no way in hell im getting rid of my tiger im so in love with her