Woman Cited For Driving Two MPH Under Speed Limit

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A Maryland woman was shocked after she received a traffic ticket on Interstate 95 --because it wasn't for speeding.

In fact, she was driving two mph under the speed limit.

The driver, who didn't want her name used, told News4 she was driving in the left lane of I-95 on Laurel last Friday when she was pulled over and cited for failing to move right.

According to the citation, she had been driving 63 mph in a 65 mph zone.

"[I was] really shocked," she said. "I thought, 'Oh my God, you've got to be kidding me'."

This was the first time she'd ever gotten a ticket -- but on Friday, she said, the area was experiencing heavy winds and she had slowed down to be safe.

"Sometimes when it's dangerous, you have to do what you can to stay safe," she said.

StormTeam 4 Meteorologist Doug Kammerer said winds were gusting at around 40 mph that day.

"The reason [the ticket] is silly is because it's sending the wrong message," said John Townsend of AAA Mid-Atlantic. "And that is, 'We will tolerate you driving at more than the speed limit, but it you drive below the speed limit, then you're penalized for that'."

The driver has filed a complaint with Maryland State Police and plans to fight the ticket.

While police said they can't comment on this specific ticket, they said that driving too slowly can impede traffic, and that anyone who wants to fight a citation can do so in court.
My take on this.....she deserved a ticket but not for the reasons given.

In my state of Pennsylvania it is illegal to be in the passing lanes unless you are actively passing someone. Unfortunately, cops rarely hand out tickets for it however.

I see this more often from people with out of state plates (especially Michigan). I'm not sure if that's because it's not illegal there or not since I'm not familiar with their laws.

But....riding in the passing lane going slower than surrounding traffic is a major cause of road rage. It should be illegal everywhere in my viewpoint unless you have a very good reason ( such as an upcoming exit that only exits on the left, which is rare).

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
I agree; she was cited for bottling up the left hand lane. The cop should have told her to stay out of the left lane except when passing. That is the law here, too; and I wish they would enforce it!!
Don't forget, you are reading what the press wants you to read...

Yeah....I think you are right after re-reading the article it says:

The driver, who didn't want her name used, told News4 she was driving in the left lane of I-95 on Laurel last Friday when she was pulled over and cited for failing to move right.

Failing to move right seems to be the real reason for the ticket.

I hate people who do that with no consideration for others on the road!

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
I totaly agree with her getting the ticket.
Over here on most passing lanes there is a sign which reads "keep lest unless passing" yet morons will still sit in the passing lane at the same speed as the car to there left.
That is when I would like a snowplough attachment on the front of my truck.
Same law in Texas. . . Left lane for passing only. They don't enforce it enough but it's the law. There is also signage on the roads stating the same.

Posting with Tapatalk while riding my Tiger 955i at 15 over the speed limit.
We have the same story here slow in the fast lane and then you get faster moving vehicles passing to the left instead of the right

Funny thing is that it is ALSO supposed to be illegal to pass someone going slow in the fast lane by using the slow lane....another law that they rarely enforce.

Posted using Tapatalk 2 via my RAZR
I love it. I can't stand people who drive under the limit. To me it's stealing my right to drive the speed limit which i believe is already posted lower than they expect you to go. They don't even ticket you around here till you are about 10 MPH over. On my way home from work i inevitably end up in back of someone going 20-25 in the 30 MPH zone that is the last few miles to my place. It drives me absolutely NUTS ! Last thing i want when i'm anxius to get home is someone causing me to drive as low as 20 MPH. It's utterely ridiculous. So i'm all for tickets for under the limit. I think 2MPH may be pushing it tho unless he witnessed her for a good while because you can't watch your speedo constantly.
Passing on the right is legal here and even on two lane (one each direction) country roads with special conditions. . . (car turning left and you can pass on the right) as long as it's not marked as illegal and there is an improved shoulder.

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