Not much happening yesterday so went for a walk along the beachfront close to home. Not much wind and not much of a wave for those keen enough to hit the cold winter water.
What a difference a day and a bit of a westerly can make!
SWMBO said she had no intention of reproducing last weeks short little dip.
And yes, some hardy health nuts were doing laps.
These days I stay out of the water June, July, August and September, come on October these days of 15C 50F are bring me down.
What a difference a day and a bit of a westerly can make!
SWMBO said she had no intention of reproducing last weeks short little dip.

And yes, some hardy health nuts were doing laps.

These days I stay out of the water June, July, August and September, come on October these days of 15C 50F are bring me down.