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Hello everyone! Thanks for touching base. I haven't been riding as much as I'd like. Unfortunately I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March and have been going through treatment. I had surgery last week and will start radiation in a month. I'm riding when I can and boy has it been therapeutic. I can't believe how. Uh riding has helped me through this. I'm soooo looking forward to feeling as bit better and doing a road trip. In fact, when I finish all my treatments, I'm buying some new pipes for myself! Something to look forward to and keep me going.

I hope everyone is well.

Wow, I'm shocked at the news!! I never imagined anything like that!!
My very best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Thanks for the post and we're all pulling hard for you.
Ride when you can TUP TUP
All the very best to a full recovery.
You are going to feel like total crap going through the chemo process,but keep your head in the right place and you will get through it.
Laura, I am shocked to hear this bad news. I know a lot of ladies who beat the big C and have been doing fine for years. Hang in there; ride when you can; and please keep us updated. We care. You are on my prayer list.
Thanks everyone for your well wishes and words of encouragement. Fortunately the hardest part is over... chemo. That was rough. Moving forward and feeling better everyday. I'm headed out to Tennessee next weekend to a cabin with friends to see the fall colours. I'm trailering my bike and my riding buddies so we can do a little riding in the area. I'm really looking forward to that.

I'm also planning on going to Barber again this year. Driving this time though. Taking my dad with me.
Thanks guys.

Best of luck Triumph David. Healing and positive thoughts as you go through your own health issues. It amazes me how many people I've run across that have shared their stories. Sure helps me feel not so alone.