What I Love About This Forum

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Ok, I know this will sound all soppy and girlie, but here's what I love about this forum:-
  • It's about Triumphs but it's also about the riders
  • Members here share, really share - trips, holidays, ride-outs, pets, family, jokes, history and mostly, the photos, photos, photos
  • The genuine caring and support when someone needs it

    Most forums are all 'work' and no play, yet here, friendships are formed even though we're well scattered around the world.

    The help, technical and just about anything else floods in when questions are asked and the bantering back and forth is something I've not found on any other forum.

    So to the TT family - great knowin' ya!
You can be as soppy and girlie all you want to, but if you're not careful I'm going to reach across the Atlantic Ocean and give you a big hug :y13: :y15:
But what you say is true. It's a very nice community here.
Best of luck over the next while. I'll be thinking about you.
What I really find annoying about most forums is that most everyone seems more interested in impressing you with their vast knowledge and putting down anyone who attempts to help answer a question with a guess at the problem. As you know, many times trying to get at the root of a problem requires some initial guessing to ascertain exactly what the cause is. But if you do that, they attack you trying to look impressive.

Here, people are willing to admit they may not be right all the time.
[langtitle=cy]Re: What I Love About This Forum[/langtitle]

What I really find annoying about most forums is that most everyone seems more interested in impressing you with their vast knowledge and putting down anyone who attempts to help answer a question with a guess at the problem. As you know, many times trying to get at the root of a problem requires some initial guessing to ascertain exactly what the cause is. But if you do that, they attack you trying to look impressive.

Here, people are willing to admit they may not be right all the time.
[lang=cy]where all triumph owners ! and im not saying that to be silly, i think in general people who own triumph's seem to be more rounded person .
i dont know why but its something ive noticed ! if you pull up on your triumph another triumph owner will come over for a chat 9 times out of ten, you dont see that with jap bikes .[/lang]
What I really find annoying about most forums is that most everyone seems more interested in impressing you with their vast knowledge and putting down anyone who attempts to help answer a question with a guess at the problem. As you know, many times trying to get at the root of a problem requires some initial guessing to ascertain exactly what the cause is. But if you do that, they attack you trying to look impressive.

Here, people are willing to admit they may not be right all the time.
Absolutely right.
Respect and civility is what makes this place so nice to visit.
Re: [langtitle=cy]Re: What I Love About This Forum[/langtitle]

[lang=cy]where all triumph owners ! and im not saying that to be silly, i think in general people who own triumph's seem to be more rounded person .
i dont know why but its something ive noticed ! if you pull up on your triumph another triumph owner will come over for a chat 9 times out of ten, you dont see that with jap bikes .[/lang]

Well, I hate to mention this, but at RAT.net they are all supposedly Triumph owners too....but I never found that place to be very friendly.

In a thread once where they were all having a good old time making fun of the "dinosaur" technology of Harley-Davidsons, I had the audacity to mention that my Harley-Davidson had self-canceling turn signals...something that I only could wish my Triumph Trophy had.

You'd have thought I was a mass-murderer the way they had a feeding frenzy attacking me for pointing out that not every single thing about a Triumph is a a godsend direct from heaven.
Re: [langtitle=cy]Re: What I Love About This Forum[/langtitle]

Well, I hate to mention this, but at RAT.net they are all supposedly Triumph owners too....but I never found that place to be very friendly.

In a thread once where they were all having a good old time making fun of the "dinosaur" technology of Harley-Davidsons, I had the audacity to mention that my Harley-Davidson had self-canceling turn signals...something that I only could wish my Triumph Trophy had.

You'd have thought I was a mass-murderer the way they had a feeding frenzy attacking me for pointing out that not every single thing about a Triumph is a a godsend direct from heaven.
[lang=cy]AJ i take your point ! but i supose you will always have the over the top element in any brand .[/lang]
Well put, Gromit. I wish it were possible for all of us to get together and meet face to face.

Woah, steady.

I've met about eight of the local contingent here- you wouldn't want to meet them!


Seriously, this is a particularly civil forum and that says everything about the folks on here.

If there is one thing that all of us do have in common is that we all ride a lot!
Well said Gromit.

This is one of a kind in the forum world. I belong to two other forums that come close but they are not the same. One is brand specific and has a wealth of information but can get like the other forum mentioned by name in a previous post. The other is a regional forum and has a lot of local ride information but they can do a whole lot of HD bashing even with some of the highest mileage riders riding HD's.

I know that if I have a problem with Black Betty I can come here and someone will have the info I need. If for some reason the answer isn't available someone will at least be able to point me in the right direction.

Well put, Gromit. I wish it were possible for all of us to get together and meet face to face.

Well we always say: "Plan it, post it and they will come." :y2:

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
I am fairly new to this forum but all I can say is that I am very happy I found it. Would be nice if everyone could meet face to face.
I heard they were going to sneak up behind you and take you by surprise at noon on Thursday.

Oh wait, I don't think I was supposed to tell you that so disregard the above info.

Posting with Tapatalk for iPhone.
Sorry for you Devo - I'm small enough to sneak up on ya and hug, hug, hug - course it would be your ankles, but hey, it's a hug!:y2:

I think Seeker said it - nobody here tries to the 'smart' guy and put others down even though my cure all is WD40, duct tape and cable ties!

That other forum that was mentioned, simply don't appreciated my 3 cure alls and anyway, it's like a testosterone p'ing contest so I stopped visiting a very long time ago!

I know a few of the SA Rats here and I can tell you, they're a great bunch and would do well at a 'group hug'!

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