Cable TV and Internet finally became available out here in the boondocks. Prior to this, I've had satellite and later, DSL through the telco.
I hated paying for a telephone line only so that I could have DSL and satellite TV sucks around here when there is a good snowfall.
So I now have Comcast HD TV and Comcast cable Internet. And with that, I was able to eliminate paying for a telephone line completely.
But, the Wife wanted to retain a landline style telephone (as opposed to going all cellular) in the house. To keep her happy, I got Vonage and had my old telephone number transferred to it. It's VoIP and only costs $14.99 per Month as opposed to over $100/month for the telco line. They sent me the adapter at no charge for it or the postage. No sign-up fee either (although there was a small fee to transfer my number).
Installation took about 5 minutes total to just shut down the computer and modem, then switch around the ethernet cable. Once installed, you fire things back up and plug a telephone into the adapter...DONE. If you run your telephone line into one of your pre-existing telephone jacks, it will use those hardwired lines and all the phones in your home are now extensions just like your old telco setup.
You pay NOTHING to make local, long distance, and international calls. You also get something like 14 features included free like.....caller ID, call waiting, voicemail (even visual voicemail sent to your mobile phone and or inbox), etc. Better yet, you control everything via a webpage interface instead of having to call the telco, wait on hold, and navigate 15 menu items to every talk to a human being.
Bottom line is that it's great, cheap, and the audio is crystal clear (better than the telco).
I hated paying for a telephone line only so that I could have DSL and satellite TV sucks around here when there is a good snowfall.
So I now have Comcast HD TV and Comcast cable Internet. And with that, I was able to eliminate paying for a telephone line completely.
But, the Wife wanted to retain a landline style telephone (as opposed to going all cellular) in the house. To keep her happy, I got Vonage and had my old telephone number transferred to it. It's VoIP and only costs $14.99 per Month as opposed to over $100/month for the telco line. They sent me the adapter at no charge for it or the postage. No sign-up fee either (although there was a small fee to transfer my number).
Installation took about 5 minutes total to just shut down the computer and modem, then switch around the ethernet cable. Once installed, you fire things back up and plug a telephone into the adapter...DONE. If you run your telephone line into one of your pre-existing telephone jacks, it will use those hardwired lines and all the phones in your home are now extensions just like your old telco setup.
You pay NOTHING to make local, long distance, and international calls. You also get something like 14 features included free like.....caller ID, call waiting, voicemail (even visual voicemail sent to your mobile phone and or inbox), etc. Better yet, you control everything via a webpage interface instead of having to call the telco, wait on hold, and navigate 15 menu items to every talk to a human being.
Bottom line is that it's great, cheap, and the audio is crystal clear (better than the telco).