I have another forum I frequent and each month we get together somewhere in the State of Texas for lunch and a piece of pie. Actually it started out as a get together for a piece of pie and then the time was adjusted due to the distance everyone is riding to have lunch and pie. We claim we are in search of the perfect slice of pie in the state on our monthly Pie Runs.
For our December Pie Run, I enjoyed a good ride up to Crockett, Texas on 12/18/2010, it was a little cool but not too bad. The sunshine sure was nice. Who am I kidding; it was cold for Southeast Texas.
Our destination…
I met up with Dave and Tim and their Harley Electra Glides at the Waffle House between Conroe and Willis. I think they had a good laugh at my cold weather gear, but it was warm so I wasn't worried about how it looked and besides I knew the route and they would be following me so they didn’t say too much.
We headed north to Willis and turned west to cross over Lake Conroe and head up Farm to Market 149 to north of Richards and then headed for Shiro. As we were passing thru some of the bottom lands and farms, I had a Coyote or was it a Chupacabra run out in front of me. He must have been trying to rustle up some fat biker for lunch because he sure looked hungry but he didn’t take into account how fast a Tiger can respond to such attacks. I’m just glad the two big Hogs behind me saw him and were on their binders also.
The photos from the ride... (Most are mine but I did steal, I mean I borrowed a couple or four from a couple other riders)
Notice how the Harley Ultra Limited is protecting my Tiger from wayward cars coming down the street?
I didn’t realize we had the cast of Tron show up for the ride…
I guess the reason for the name of the place.... The Moosehead Café.
Some of the places we visit seem a little nervous at first when there is talk about a bunch of folks on bikes headed their way but I get the feeling the folks here at The Moosehead Café have no problem with us.
Some of us have been there so many times it is almost like we are local regulars.
Careful Jeff, I know her boyfriend and he’s known to ride with us from time to time.
Didn't hear a count, but seemed a good turnout
Can’t forget why we descended upon The Moosehead Café…
The special of the day...catfish, hushpuppies, fries, coleslaw (that's a vegetable according to Bill) and green tomato relish (spicy sweet stuff).
Scott praying for a safe ride home?
Scott had an accident on his ride to Crockett; he hit a car and was doing a little preventive maintenance (praying?) for a safe ride home. This wasn’t like one of those newspaper reports when a bike and car are involved in an accident and they say the bike hit the car when in reality the car turned in front of the bike, Scott actually hit the car. I never did understand the tale Scott told but all the others riding with him said it wasn’t the cars fault this time.
Nicely set up KLR
Nice Tiger you got there Jack
I’ve got another bad habit that I try and satisfy with my cravings for pie, taking pictures of the county courthouses with my bike parked in front of it. With Crockett being the county seat of Houston County and The Moosehead sits across from the courthouse…
And another one just down the road in Groveton, Trinity County, Texas
As Jeff said while Debbie was sitting in his lap, this is one jail house I wouldn't want to be locked up in
And the temporary courthouse
Looks like somebody couldn't read the sign. Well at least one of us wasn't in the No Parking Zone.
That's the County Sheriff's Office to the left
Pulled back into the garage with an additional 232 miles on the clock.
For our December Pie Run, I enjoyed a good ride up to Crockett, Texas on 12/18/2010, it was a little cool but not too bad. The sunshine sure was nice. Who am I kidding; it was cold for Southeast Texas.
Our destination…

I met up with Dave and Tim and their Harley Electra Glides at the Waffle House between Conroe and Willis. I think they had a good laugh at my cold weather gear, but it was warm so I wasn't worried about how it looked and besides I knew the route and they would be following me so they didn’t say too much.
We headed north to Willis and turned west to cross over Lake Conroe and head up Farm to Market 149 to north of Richards and then headed for Shiro. As we were passing thru some of the bottom lands and farms, I had a Coyote or was it a Chupacabra run out in front of me. He must have been trying to rustle up some fat biker for lunch because he sure looked hungry but he didn’t take into account how fast a Tiger can respond to such attacks. I’m just glad the two big Hogs behind me saw him and were on their binders also.
The photos from the ride... (Most are mine but I did steal, I mean I borrowed a couple or four from a couple other riders)

Notice how the Harley Ultra Limited is protecting my Tiger from wayward cars coming down the street?

I didn’t realize we had the cast of Tron show up for the ride…

I guess the reason for the name of the place.... The Moosehead Café.

Some of the places we visit seem a little nervous at first when there is talk about a bunch of folks on bikes headed their way but I get the feeling the folks here at The Moosehead Café have no problem with us.

Some of us have been there so many times it is almost like we are local regulars.
Careful Jeff, I know her boyfriend and he’s known to ride with us from time to time.

Didn't hear a count, but seemed a good turnout
Can’t forget why we descended upon The Moosehead Café…
The special of the day...catfish, hushpuppies, fries, coleslaw (that's a vegetable according to Bill) and green tomato relish (spicy sweet stuff).

Scott praying for a safe ride home?

Scott had an accident on his ride to Crockett; he hit a car and was doing a little preventive maintenance (praying?) for a safe ride home. This wasn’t like one of those newspaper reports when a bike and car are involved in an accident and they say the bike hit the car when in reality the car turned in front of the bike, Scott actually hit the car. I never did understand the tale Scott told but all the others riding with him said it wasn’t the cars fault this time.

Nicely set up KLR

Nice Tiger you got there Jack

I’ve got another bad habit that I try and satisfy with my cravings for pie, taking pictures of the county courthouses with my bike parked in front of it. With Crockett being the county seat of Houston County and The Moosehead sits across from the courthouse…

And another one just down the road in Groveton, Trinity County, Texas

As Jeff said while Debbie was sitting in his lap, this is one jail house I wouldn't want to be locked up in

And the temporary courthouse

Looks like somebody couldn't read the sign. Well at least one of us wasn't in the No Parking Zone.
That's the County Sheriff's Office to the left

Pulled back into the garage with an additional 232 miles on the clock.