Two Storms!

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Update from Trey

Swofford Base Camp day 5:

Temp: 92/heat index of 106
80% humidity. Satan sent souls here today because hell wasn’t miserable enough.

Still no electricity.

Morale was declining.

We’ve made it through the first plague of a hurricane. The next plague has sent in...the black swarm. Love bugs have taken over. They are multiplying (literally). Oh Moses come save us and take us to the promise land. I’m looking for a sheep to sacrifice to coat the threshold of the door...just in case.

Lines for gas are two hours long. You need a full tank just to wait in line...then repeat.

Breaking News!

Morale is now high.

Susan’s brother (an electrician) came from Lufkin, Texas with a 55 gal drum of fuel. He also hooked our generator directly into the circuit breaker panel and we now have air conditioning!!! I can now sit in the house without feeling like I’m exploring the Everglades in a three piece suit. Tonight we will be celebrating the life of Willis Carrier and his marvelous invention of the modern day air conditioner!

Dad’s friend (Generac Contractor) is looking for a complete house backup generator. I will travel many many miles to acquire one. Neither snow (we could use snow right now) nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will stop me.

Fridge and freezer still stocked. We are trying to consolidate our stand alone freezer with our fridge so we’ve been eating well. Steaks two nights ago, last night was grass fed sirloin burgers. Our iron levels are fine.

siestas...I think this is a keeper around here. Currently Susan and Ashley are both living out their inner Mexican life.

We are doing well and have not needed boxing gloves...yet.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
Update from Trey

Swofford Base Camp day 6:

Temp: 94 /heat index of 107
55% humidity. I believe the local lakes are boiling...catching fish is like fast food, they are already cooked

Still no electricity.

Morale is good.

I would like to say morale was high after the addition of air conditioning in our lives....but after over 12 hours of sleeping by the entire house exception for me. They actually slept through their siesta (they said they were multi-tasking). Once I had the gall to wake them at the ungodly hour of 1:00pm. I asked them how they slept (I was expecting that they were going to say how great it was to sleep in a cool house) I got an answer of “it was too cold.”

So in this hot humid furnace we call Leesville, I gave them a break from the heat I I get “it was too cold.” I’m currently taking applications to replace my base camp personnel. Gratefulness is the first requirement to enter.

Today we escaped the third world and traveled to Lufkin, TX to refill gas cans, enjoy some food that I didn’t have to grill, in general enjoy civilization.

Gas is still limited and lines are long.

Fridge and freezer are still well stocked.

Fort Polk is getting power restored and my office now has power. No internet yet so I’m still at the Swofford base camp for a couple more days.

We still do not have a timeline when we will have power restored. Limited number of linemen working in town. Our city is hosting a small Army of linemen at out fair grounds but they aren’t working in the city...well played Mr Mayor...we are taking care of them but they aren’t taking care of, he’s not even a Democratic.

Once again , I’m taking applications...come to the happiest place on earth, meet interesting people, and try not to get heat stroke.
Sorry to hear of your troubles in the south . Climate change has been dramatic here in the north but I thought , from the comments of some of your elected leaders , things were going well for you guys . To hot to ride is getting to be a common phrase around here . Air conditioning and pool sales are going through the roof and the golf course suffered . Finally got an inch or so of wet stuff from the remnants of your 2 storms last week,thanks, but to late for some potato fields which being plowed under . Hopefully things will get back to normal soon .
At least no immediate threat. Unfortunately the waves continue forming...
Swofford Base Camp day 7: The natives are getting restless.

Temp: 94 /heat index of 104 (a whopping two degrees cooler...and me without my Parka) 54% humidity.

Still no electricity. Power is less than 2 miles away. Once they figure out how to untwist two sections of wire that looks like my past slinkies after a couple of days abuse. You know the mangled mess that you can never quit undone. That’s what two two blocks of power line looks like.

Morale is good. I made the mistake of letting the inhabitants of reading my daily log. Even though they found humor in the narrative, they said I left out the privilege/eccentricities of the of the Base Camp Commander....

There was frustration with the Commander last night when he tried to connect to Chick-Fil-A, Wing Stop, and finally a Marriott hotel’s WiFi. He wasted time and went into a hotel lobby to refill his Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) device. His Netflix ration was running low and had to restock. It’s lonely at the top and escapes from reality is a must. The inhabitants think he is “extra” but, (cue Destiny’s Child sings “I’m a Survivor.”) (
) they forgot that this is not the Commander’s first rodeo in austere environments. “Embrace the suck” doesn’t mean you have to embrace all the “suck.” Always improve your foxhole. Make life better. Get as much comfort as possible. The “suck” doesn’t have to suck that bad. Aviation vs Grunt mentality.

“Operation Crispy Towel” was not received well. I’m not saying the inhabitants are spoiled, I’ll let you be the judge. We did our first load of laundry and hung the towels up to dry because the generator would not power the dryer. As with any line drying, our towels were stiff. The inhabitants didn’t like the thought of drying with a crispy towel.

I like the crispy towels because they are the only things that give respect and don’t talk back to the Commander. They even stand at attention when addressed...finally some respect here at the Base Camp.

The mutiny has been quailed.

Laundry Operations will now be conducted at Susan’s sister’s house. She got power back last night. Now where is my laundry detail...oh yea, it’s siesta time..

One more day of survival complete... Swofford Base Camp is secure and strong. Generator is still running. Fuel supply is good. Food supply has been restocked (Necessities like Cream Soda Dr Pepper and Chips-Ahoy).

Commander still has control.
Swofford Base Camp Day 8:

Temp: 91 degrees heat index of 102 (another two degrees cooler...where are my ear muffs?) 64% humidity.

Moral is good.

No power yet. Estimation of another 3-4 days. Power is still 2 miles away.

The next comfort item will be internet/cable TV. Who knows how long that will be. On a normal day our internet is not the most reliable. Maybe I need to talk to Al Gore about improving it, since he was the one who invented it.

PT has been executed today (sort of). The formation was empty...the Commander needs a bugler or at least a vuvuzela blower. Reveille needs to be played so the inhabitants get their daily dose of physical fitness and get out of bed before the afternoon. The Commander still faced the outside world on his tactical two wheeled mechanically operated human powered all terrain vehicle (TTWMOHPATV).

Today Operation Laundry/Operation Covert Siesta went well. Susan and Ashley went to her sister’s to prevent anymore crispy towels. I’m going to miss them. Not sure how long the siesta lasted but it sure took a long time to do laundry.

The Commander executed Class III (Fuel) resupply operations to Alexandria and back. A 55 gallon drum and three 5 gallon cans were filled. Hopefully this will be the last resupply mission required.

The Commander did a Nancy Pelosi and got his hair cut while he was out ....he ensured there were no cameras. FYI, barber shops are not closed here.

A secret side mission was executed. Netflix resupply was simultaneously conducted while receiving hair cut. They had WiFi! Commander has not told the inhabitants due to possible coup attempt and or ridicule.

With the Commander gone there’s no one monitoring the siesta duration. The perimeter could be left unguarded. Upon arrival back at the Swofford Base Camp. He found the Base Camp to be secure. The Commander’s Aide-de-camp/Sergeant of the Guard did a good job in the Commander’s absence.

Operation Ensure was conducted by Susan and Ashley. The provided food to an elderly man with cancer still living in a house with a tree through it. Tree through the house is good for ventilation, bad for rain and mosquitos . They gave him Ensure, pudding, apple sauce, and a pumpkin pie. Don’t judge the Commander he did not approve the diet.

The battle against the Plague of the black swarm (Love-bugs) continues....we are losing even though our tactical vehicles look like we’ve taken a million out. “Motor Stables” is on the training calendar for tomorrow in order to remove the layer of the black swarm off of our tactical vehicles.

Swofford Base Camp is secured. Crew rest is needed. Will be dreaming of Ben Franklin and his wonderful discovery of electricity and Al Gore’s internet.
Trey update

Temp: 92 degrees heat index of 103 (we were obviously getting spoiled with a cool 91 from yesterday) 55% humidity.

Moral is good.

No power yet. Estimation of another 2-3 days. There are tree removal trucks in the neighborhood. The first sign of actual progress in the neighborhood. I just don’t know why this is taking so long. I’m sure there is a plan but by the work or lack there of it doesn’t appear to be an efficient one.

Somehow our neighborhood was skipped on trash day (Tuesday). Normally our trash day varies from Tuesday to Thursday. Our city is not the model of efficiency or schedule keeping. Now trash is piling up faster than the animals can spread it and is quickly becoming a health issue. I think I’m living across from Sanford and Sons. They either have a lot of trash or are fortifying their property. Susan made multiple calls playing phone tag until she found someone to listen. Susan was told our neighborhood was skipped because there were obstructions and the truck could not pass. She reassured them that our road was not blocked she was rebuked and said yes it was...because we wouldn’t know if our road had obstructions. She was forwarded to the manager who didn’t answer his phone. When his voicemail can on Susan handed the Commander the phone. The Commander left a firm voicemail stating the problem, assured that the road was not obstructed, and asked for a time that trash would be picked up. Never received a call but hours later our trash and the neighbor’s Great Wall of Garbage (and hopefully all of the flies) was removed. Small victories....

The Commander was all alone at PT again this morning. Maybe a “fire drill” will get them out of bed.

Commander’s thoughts (I know scary huh) while conducting PT on his his tactical two wheeled mechanically operated human powered all terrain vehicle (TTWMOHPATV): Tour de France would be much more interesting if teams had to be on tandem bikes. That would truly be a team effort and more challenging. The wrecks would be much more amusing.

The third plague has struck The sea of ants that is. They aren’t just any Ants, they are Argentine Ants (Argentine ants (Linepithema humile), formerly Iridomyrmex humilis (I guess they did not like their original name). The great (or not so) thing about this species, Is that they build “supercolonies.” (This log is not just informative but educational as well) Supercolonies sounds pretty cool, like where the Justice League should live but that is not the case. This means they band together and make industrious ant hills/mountains or as The Commander calls them ant battle positions. The Commander thinks they have teamed up with the black swarm (love bugs) to conduct airborne/air assault operations trying to infiltrate the Base Camp HQ. The Swofford Base Camp has fended off the first wave and now it looks like a standoff. The Commander is not fooled...he knows they are tunneling...what they don’t realize is the the Commander has requested reinforcements... Tuesday the exterminator will be here and we will employ chemical warfare! Back-up plan...napalm! Another predicted victory for the Swofford Base Camp.

All of Susan’s family has power back. It’s good because Carolyn can keep her patio fountain ⛲️ running because it was such a vital necessity that had to be powered by the generator. It’s nice to know she had only the necessities running while the Swofford Base Camp had to make daily Class III (fuel) resupply operations. The Commander should’ve put dish detergent in it so it would’ve been a morale booster. Who doesn’t like bubbles? She wouldn’t have liked it but it would’ve given the Commander a good laugh. Maybe Operation Bubbles tomorrow??

The Swofford Base Camp is secure. All classes of supply are well stocked but you can never have enough margarita making materials. It’s five o’clock somewhere...
Swofford Bass Camp Day 9:

Temp: a cool 92 degrees with a heat index of 98 and a swampy humidity of 87%.

Moral is good.

No power yet....we should’ve had power today but there was an “oversight.” Not sure what the oversight was but who ever is in charge (I’m doubtful that anybody is really in charge) needs to be fired!! Just watching how they have worked in the city, it just didn’t make sense. Without knowing the “oversight,” who knows how long it will take. We went from an expected power date of 23 Sep to 9 Sep to 10 Sep today. I just like they have a monkey spinning a wheel and what ever the dial lands on that’s what they put on their website.

Today was a slow day at the Base Camp. The Commander conducted two reconnaissance missions to see the progress on the power lines. There is just one section let to repair before all of the wire is up between our house and power. That may be the “oversight.” It’s only on one of the two highways that cuts through Leesville.

The Swofford Base Camp is the proud owner of three plastic 55 gallon drums. I call it my Donkey Kong home game. It was fun letting Quaid play Mario as I threw barrels at him.

The insurance adjuster is coming tomorrow. It’s also the last day at home. The Commander and Household 6 has to return to work on Tuesday. That will leave the Aide de Camp flying solo keepIng the Base Camp secure for the rest of the week.

Base Camp is secure. One inhabitant is still AWOL. All classes of supply are well stocked. Maybe power tomorrow???
Latest update from Trey.

Swofford Base Camp Day 12:
Temp: a balmy 93 degrees with a heat index of 97 and a jungle like humidity of 82%.

Moral is good....well, it’s been up and down synchronized with the power.

Susan made the mistake of announcing we had power. We will call it premature electrification. Never trust first reports...they are usually wrong.

Power has flashed on and off multiple times. The longest it has been on is for about 5 min. The other times it was a quick 5 second flash. It has now has gone dark. We are back to the trusty generator.

The latest update on the return of power is now 11 September. Something bad must have happened when the flipped the switch to turn it on.

Susan and I report back to work tomorrow. The power and responsibilities from the Supreme Base Commander will be bestowed upon the Aide de Camp who will be manning the Base Camp solo while his sister still AWOL. The temporary handover of power will commence with a robust ceremony full of distinguished guests and concludes with the time honored tradition of passing the Base Camp Flag (it’s one of the crispy’s still stiff and looks like it is flying straight even without the flag on the moon and just as prestigious).

The Base Camp is secure for the night. Generator is running (don’t worry it’s chained do so it can’t go far). All classes of supply are well stocked. Only four more days to make it to first world standards. We are hoping to have electricity tomorrow. We will hold all reports until steady power is confirmed.
Trey's final update:

Swofford Base Camp Day 13:

Temp: a steaming 91 degrees with a heat index of 98 and the humidity of a Turkish bath house at 67%. Fortunately for the Commander, he has been acclimated to this weather because his office A/C is not working today. His office is like a Nike sweatshop in China. Even the cinder block walls were sweating.

Moral is high.

The third plague has met their fate. The ants thought they had a stronghold yesterday and attacked the Commander in force. Today we unleashed Chemical warfare within the Base Camp perimeter. Those Argentine Ants have lost the war. Victory!
USA! , USA! , USA!

Four days without water and 13 days without power has come to and end. Power has been restored to the Swofford Base Camp! I believe that the Gilligan's Island crew had more luxuries during their stay. What we needed was the Professor...He did amazing things on that island with coconuts, vine, and bamboo. With all of his ingenuity he could’ve built a nuclear reactor at the base camp with all of the junk we have around here. Although, he somehow could not managed making a raft that would get them off that island....maybe we were better off without him...? Now MacGyver, he would have made a huge difference.

The 13 glorious days of command is coming to and end...the Supreme Base Camp Commander reflects on his astonishing accomplishments... He was the first ever duly elected (the North Koreans sent delegates to ensure the elections were as forthright as theirs) Supreme Base Camp Commander. Through his strength and charismatic personality the inhabitants survived days without running water and electricity. We overcame monumental hurdles such as the crispy towel conundrum. We developed new games such as Donkey Kong (home edition). This has truly been a growing experience for all thanks to the Supreme Commander’s leadership. As Spider-Man’s uncle said, “With great power comes great responsibility.”

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the inhabitants of the Base Camp. Monuments will be established to honor his leadership, many medals will be awarded to him, flowers thrown at his feet, parades are scheduled in his honor, and stories will be written ensuring his legacy lives on. The inhabitants are wiser and stronger due to the exemplary leadership that was displayed. The inhabitants will be forever grateful for the wisdom, guidance, compassion, and empathy of this ever so humble leader.

It’s time to “case” the colors (crispy towel flag) and close out this chapter of our lives. The only thing we are lacking is cable/internet (well...maybe a little humility).

The after action review provided the following requirements for the next hurricane:

1. Whole house backup generator.
2. Satellite Dish.
3. Taller fence to keep inhabitants from going AWOL.
4. Icee/Slurpee/Margarita Machine.
5. Not live in Louisiana.

I’d like to thank the linemen who worked tirelessly, Ben Franklin with his discovery of Electricity, Willis Carrier with his invention of A/C, Star Trek for the idea of the hand held communicator (cell phone), the inventor of pancakes (who doesn’t love pancakes?), the tasty grass fed cows that were sacrificed to feed us, R. Kelly because he made me believe that I could fly, and Alan Jackson/Jimmy Buffet because it’s five o’clock somewhere. Speaking of, it’s Taco Tuesday... fiesta time with margaritas!

The Supreme Base Camp Commander, signing out!

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