Two Performances - 47 Years Apart - The Diamonds

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Charter Member #3
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.This is for all of us old, er, experienced members on this site. I hope you will enjoy this, I love it, I grew up in these years. Make sure you watch both versions - ages , of the group - " The Diamonds "

If you were around in 1957, and old enough to enjoy Rock and Roll, you will probably remember the group, "The Diamonds", who had just launched their super hit "Little Darlin'.

For you that are too young to remember - it was a time when the performers were happy, enjoying themselves, respecting their fans, dressed appropriately and their lyrics could be understood. They did not feel obligated to scream, eat the microphone, mumble inaudible lyrics or trash the set.

In 1957, The Diamonds had a hit with "Little Darlin". 47 years later, they were requested to perform at Atlantic City...

** This link leads to both performances.

Watch the first one then scroll down for the new one 47 years later. **
I grew up on this type of music and really get a kick out of seeing these old groups doing their work like this one again. I wonder how many no1 artists will even be remembered after a period like this let alone be able to still perform their stuff.
On the PBS channel, from time to time, they feature music and groups from the past and so many haven't lost a thing over the years.
I love that and the music from that R & R era. It's simple and easy to understand with no screaming, yelling, mumbling, rap (FACE) and all that heavy metal and crap that is supposed to pass for modern music.

OK, I admit it, I'm just an old curmudgeon BGRIN

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