Need some help from tuning guru's. 72 Trident, has the new style Amal's, Boyer ignition. She's SUPER hard to start. Really cold blooded. It seems I have to kick my brains out to get her to pop, then she'll eventually start. She hasn't run in about a year and a half. The gas is fresh, so that shouldn't be an issue. Once I do get her to run, she won't idle. I have to keep the RPM's around 2000-3000. She sounds good, smooth, no pops or misses. Plugs are good. The one thing she will NOT do is start or run if I use any choke. I've tried tickling the carbs. Not tickling the carbs. No throttle, half throttle, full throttle when kicking. I'm stumped!
As a note, she ran well last I had her out. There was a bunch of nasty's in the tank, and it did gum up the carbs. However, these carbs are new, the tank has been repaired and sealed, and it hasn't been run with the new carbs on, so as far as I can tell fuel system is not the issue. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!
As a note, she ran well last I had her out. There was a bunch of nasty's in the tank, and it did gum up the carbs. However, these carbs are new, the tank has been repaired and sealed, and it hasn't been run with the new carbs on, so as far as I can tell fuel system is not the issue. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!