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Charter Member #3
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After 20 years and one month of service, Trey is retiring from the Army on Thursday of this week. Mae Lyne and I will leave in the morning at oh dark thirty to travel to Ft Polk, Louisiana. We will return home a week from today. Thus we will be off line for most of that time. See you all next week.
I will relay the thanks and congrats to Trey.

Gary, he has applied for two civil service jobs, both at Ft Polk. One of them is in Operations and Training, a GS 13, and the other is airport manager of the Ft Polk air field, a GS 12. He intends to use either as a stepping stone to get a civil service job at Patrick AFB or the Cape Kennedy Center here in Florida. That is his ultimate goal.
I forgot to add the the Patrick AFB job will be with Homeland Security (Border Patrol) flying drones. As a part of this job, he will have to fly real aircraft to stay current as a pilot.. Those jobs will not come on line until late this year. That is the job he is really hoping for and it will bring him back to Florida.
I'm back and we had a really wonderful trip and a great time. We over nighted with Mae Lyne's daughter in Pensacola on the way out to Louisiana and on the return trip. We got to spend four days with Try and his family and spoil grand kids! Trey's retirement ceremony was nice and bitter sweet - the closing of an old chapter in his life and the beginning of a new one. This is the first time since 1966 that I or one of my kids have not been in uniform. Mae Lyne's son is still serving and is due back from Iraq next month. So we still have family in uniform.

On the way home we stopped and visited with very dear friends that we had not seen in over two years. The weather was rainy and cold most of the time; so I did not get any riding in.
Thanks, Gromit. I am waiting for Trey's wife to send tham to me. Mae Lyne forgot to take the camera to the ceremony. But Susan go a lot of photos. As soon as she get them downloaded and sent, I will post them.