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Ever had trouble filling up a bucket with water? Use your dustpan.


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I have to admit I found this by accident while searching for something else. I didn't pay much attention to it and had to go back thru the pages I had been reading to find it again after it hit me what they were doing. Like y'all said, something so simple that we have tried to over think it in the past.

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Because it was so simple I thought there has to be others out there that we use and would help if we shared them.

I too will remember this one for future use.

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If you are rebuilding front forks and need the Triumph special tool to hold the inner bolt in place while dismantling them, you can get a piece of square stock steel cut to the right length and use JB Weld to "weld" the proper sized nut at the end. The square stock allows you to put a crescent wrench on the end for any leverage you need. As long as you allow the JB Weld to set-up at least for 24 hours, it'll hold that nut on the end forever!
For filling the bucket , if it was warm water I needed I probably would have run down to the hardware store and got a valve and sweated it in at a place the bucket would fit under. 2 day job at leastBLUSH good tip

For filling the bucket , if it was warm water I needed I probably would have run down to the hardware store and got a valve and sweated it in at a place the bucket would fit under. 2 day job at leastBLUSH good tip


You must have gone to the same schools I did, I would have done the same. ROTFL

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I once posted a link here someplace on TT to a timing wheel template. You print it out, then cut it out and mount it on cardboard. It was for Meriden Triumphs only though

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