Tomorrow Evening I'm Watching CHIPS

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Meriden fiddler

There's a projector on ceiling, cabled to desktop PC. A pulldown screen other side of room.

Mondays are "cinema night". Popcorn in microwave. Reclining sofa and footstool. Audio through hifi, with a subwoofer.

My son chooses the films. He just asked for CHIPS. Hmm, I thought, remembering watching the TV series when young. Maybe it'll be a good film!

Found the film. Oh, no! It a comedy! Oh well. Looks like a bromance comedy too, from the poster.
Never missed CHiPs when it was being aired every week back in the day, and with my dad's complete and utter irrational disdain for motorcycles, this was unexpected. He made an obvious allowance for that show due to it being about cops… he was a cop. He hated motorcycles. And I mean H A T E D them. I couldn't watch Evel Kneivel stunt shows, "On Any Sunday," "Easy Rider." "The Wild One," nothing. Toy motorcycles were contraband.

I remember CHiPs, Baa Baa Black Sheep, Dukes of Hazzard, and Battlestar Galactica were my weekly prime time TV sessions as a kid back then. They were all pretty much overlapping contemporaries. The old man also didn't want me watching Dukes of Hazzard because it portrayed cops as complete idiots. My mom ran interferance on that one and gave it the green light. He worked nights so it was all under the radar. Way to go mom!

Then I hit adulthood and quickly came to the conclusion that 1/2 the cops out there were in fact complete idiots. I didn't need that TV show after all. :unsure:

Battlestar and Black Sheep reruns are still amusing for nostalgia's sake. I see clips of Dukes and Chips and I think "W.T.F. did I ever see in this crap?"

Haven't seen either movie yet.
Well, Dukes of Hazard had that cousin. Daisy May, Daisy Bell, or something? Denim cutoff shorts. Very short shorts. That explained some of the attraction, I think, for me.
Oh, no. I've been given spare tickets for tonight to watch another childhood series now on the big screen. The one where a cassette message selfdestructs always at the beginning. Still, it's got Tom cruise riding a motorcycle out of an aeroplane, I suppose.
That movie came to TV last year and I watched it. I'll let you form your own opinion BGRIN
I also watched the TV show back in the day.
Watched it Monday evening, after the postponement. I had low expectations, so probably wouldn't be disappointed.

Have to say, I can usually munch popcorn and follow the storyline. Not this time. Might be me, I'm not good with fast films. Might be the vague storyline of course.
It was certainly lewd, not really my thing. And, although the violence was humorous, supposedly, violent injuries and deaths also not usually on my entertainment list.

But, I really liked the film! The characters were three dimensional. Some of the humour was really good, clever, could not tell which side of the fence it was positioned. The bit where cop #1 carries naked cop #2 to the bathtub was really both funny and touching.

Plenty of motorcycle talk too.

Do CHIPS riders really ride around in short sleeves and open helmet?; leaving aside gravel rash, hours every day in the California sun is asking for melanoma. Yes, I worry about things like that watching films

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