Tire Pressure

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What is everyone running for tire pressure in your Thunderbird LT with Avon tires?


Also, does anyone else find it difficult to find a gauge or a fill home that you can fit in between the spokes on the 'bird?
38 front, 42 rear. Yes the front tire is a b**ch to check and fill with air. Just has to be perfect between the spokes, from the corrct side(can't remember which side that is right now). Rear is easy once you get the valve stem to the bottom.
There is a 90 degree elbow on the back already. NO room to add one to the front at all, even a screw on extension. Have to go in on a 45 degree angle( most gauges have this angle already), from the right side, the sun has to be low in the sky, the winds have to be out of the Northwest and there must be a sacrifice made to the air Gods for you to be able to check the pressure. Whole new procedure to ADD air. Won't bore you with details, but selling your first born MAY be involved.WINK
The screw on type 45/90 adapters won't work, they have a valve incorporated in them and will bleed air....so you now have 2 Schrader pneumatic valves in one run . Centrifugal force will ruin them in no time. Have a Harley gauge with 15" hose to check pressure with a button bleeder. and a Motion Pro swivel air chuck. Expensive.... Pro Fill Air Chuck No matter what you use it will be a PITA. The Right Angle rear Stock tube is not available anywhere....and I had to get a tube from an Indian Dealer Straight Metal Valve to fix the flat. My project over the winter is to get the 3M Marine Tape and go tubeless
The Front is much more "forgiving" in terms of room to access than the rear due to the width of the rim 3.5 vs 5.0??? don't quote me on that. I gave up on any kind of the 90 degree/ 45 degree adapters out there I could find. Even removed the Schrader valve off the straight part of the stem....the thread of the "connector" is the weak point and will leak. When I go tubeless I will use a 45 degree/90 degree stem that pulls through the rim like an automotive tire. Please note you are dealing with a V rated tire.....no room for games/mistakes.
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I got a pair of tire valve extensions. they are flexible , ans I was able to screw it on the front tire stem. add my air , the remove. also very helpful on the rear tire. Look on amazon. I got the rubber ones. I keep one in the saddlebags, and the other stays w/ the Indian.

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