Tiger 800 XRT 2018

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I have 5500 miles on my Tiger and have multiple occasions when changing down fron 3rd to second the motor cuts out, triumph have had the bike 3 times but are unable to cure the fault, it is of course very dangerous and I am seriously disappointed as I cannot trust the bike any more, it does it hot /cold short/long journey , but always between 3rd and 2nd but not all the time, Help!!!!
I do hope so, it's going into Triumph again on the 27th for a service and to try Bd sort the problem, of course it never happens when they have it and apparently doesn't show on the diagnostic, watch this space.
You may need to contact Triumph directly. Please keep us posted.
Well here is the dealer reply - "it's me- and my age!!
As an aged biker I Blip the throttle when changing down!! And this is the cause!!
No explanation of why this only happens between 3rd and 2nd.
I have since found another Tiger Forum where this problem has been highlighted many times and investigated by Triumph but without any explanation!
Is it me! Blipping the throttle??
Answers on a postcard!!!
I blip the throttle on my 1200 TEX and have NEVER had a stalling issue. Different bike, I know, but same brand and ECU tuners(Triumph). That should not cause a bike to stall out as bikes are designed for this to prevent wheel slip and or lockup on decel. Even those with the quick shifter will blip the throttle on downshifts. That's programmed right into them from the factory.
I do appreciate the comments by all, I am going to the isle of man next week and will see if it happens in this trip, I really feel the need to contact t Triumph Direct over this matter, what is also annoying in the PC world we live in, that my "Age" is deemed to be the problem!! Not an issue I would pursue but nevertheless bloody annoying.
On a positive note I really do like the bike and hav ing done almost 6000 miles in a year I would say I know the bike.
Thanks again
I do appreciate the comments by all, I am going to the isle of man next week and will see if it happens in this trip, I really feel the need to contact t Triumph Direct over this matter, what is also annoying in the PC world we live in, that my "Age" is deemed to be the problem!! Not an issue I would pursue but nevertheless bloody annoying.
On a positive note I really do like the bike and hav ing done almost 6000 miles in a year I would say I know the bike.
Thanks again
Well here's a thing, talking to a very elderly Triumph owner, even older than me!, he suggested if I use only 98 octane fuel my cutting out wouldn't happen!!! And guess what he is definitely correct I have topped up 100% higher octane and bike hasn't cut out once, 8000 miles now!!
Hope this helps
Great. Thanks for following up with this. Not sure if the octane ratings are different from North America and GB, but I have and will continue to use the highest I can get, and that's usually 93 in our part of of the world.
Great. Thanks for following up with this. Not sure if the octane ratings are different from North America and GB, but I have and will continue to use the highest I can get, and that's usually 93 in our part of of the world.
Well I Was using 95 and had the problem but it's ironic that changing to 98 has apparently cured it! Cant be coincidence can it, bike has now done 8000miles maybe loosened up?
Just FWIW, I am 73 and have put 7,600 miles on my 2019 XRT with no issues like this. I can't help you with the downshifting problem but I wanted to weigh in on the problem. Also, I will use gas rated at 87 octane all the time.
In my area, a lot of the gas is oxygenated with 10 percent ethanol. No problem, but at this time of the year I will put in the pure gas without the ethanol.

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