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This is not triumph related in fact its probably the antithesis of Triumph, but here goes. My son (18 year old) has a bit of a thing for 2 stroke bikes, something we do not share, but he found a cheap Honda NSR150SP and we went halves in buying it. The bike looked OK and despite the owner having left it in the weather for over a year and taking off the brake calipers because they froze up, it seemed OK, we couldn't start it as it was flooding petrol everywhere. When we got it home, the reason for the flooding became clear, NO FLOAT NEEDLE in the carby which also explained all the silicone trying to seal the carby and why it had been off the road and left unloved in the weather. It probably goes some way to explaining the much smaller than standard jets in the carby and that the pilot screw was screwed in fully. So there must have been a lot of attempts to fix a flooding carby when all it needed was the missing float needle . Anyway their loss is our gain as with the right carby parts fitted and a brake caliper rebuild its a little jewel of a bike and I might change my mind on 2 stroke road bikes. Its fun to ride with little happening below about 6,000 and then the power kicks in and runs through to 11,000 with a top speed around 180kph its quick for a little bike.
There is probably a moral here about checking and double checking when you work on your bike.
One interesting thing about these bikes are that they are made by Honda in Thailand, apparently like some modern Triumph models.
Cracking looking little bike and sure it will give a lot of fun for little money,maybe even throw in some of the strawberry smelling two stroke oil I saw advertised the other day,or of course a little Castrol R!
Nice ride and find.
Is there supposed to be a dent in the tank where the Honda emblem is? Looks like clearance for the handlebars, yet the curves are so sharp it looks like a dent.
Just curious.