The Lane Splitting Debate

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The Lane Splitting Debate by Ken Condon

A recent study by the California Office of Traffic Safety reports what many motorcyclists already know; that lane splitting is (or, can be) “safer” than sitting in stopped traffic. This means being less prone to serious injury.

To enjoy the safer status, riders must only splitting lanes when traffic is moving at 30mph or less and when the rider travels no faster than 10 mph more than surrounding traffic.

The study also confirms another suspicion that lane splitting benefits all road users by reducing the number of vehicles adding to traffic congestion. Yeah, us!

What is Lane Splitting?

For those of you who aren’t motorcycle riders or who live in one of the 49 states that don’t allow lane splitting, you may not know what lane splitting is. As the moniker suggests, lane splitting is when a motorcycle rider rides between two lines of cars heading in the same direction, like when riding on a multi-lane highway.

Riders split lanes on the highway when traffic slows. But, they are also known to split lanes as they filter to the front of stopped traffic at a stop light.

Lane splitting will more likely be tolerated if it is done with respect.

The Good

Filtering through traffic, whether on a multi-lane highway or local arterial means there are fewer vehicles clogging up the works and if done at low speed, is relatively safe for the motorcycle rider if done correctly.

The primary reason for motorcyclists to consider lane splitting is that it puts the rider in a less vulnerable position. Being rear-ended by a four-wheeler is a sure-fire way to end up in a hospital bed and that’s not even talking about the possibility of being sandwiched between two cars!

The Bad

However, lane splitting has a totally bad rap because some riders do it wrong. Proper lane splitting is done at a speed no faster than 10mph beyond the travel speed of surrounding traffic. Unfortunately, some riders zip between cars in a way that is dangerous and scares the hell of those they pass.

This unwelcome behavior can incite resentment from drivers and further reflect badly on all motorcycle riders, even those who split lanes safely. Some irate drivers have been known to close the gap as the rider attempts to squeeze past.

Exercise patience.

Safe? Really?

Here is the rub. Even though the study confirms (through statistics) that lane splitting reduces instances of cars colliding with a motorcycle, it also says that there is an increase of motorcycle riders rear-ending other vehicles.

This is where the speed factor comes in. It doesn’t take a government study to know that ripping between slow moving cars is a bad idea. The study clearly states that the safety benefit applies only to riders who lane split at 10mph or lower.

The study confirms another seemingly obvious assumption; that it’s not safe to split lanes when traffic is traveling above 30mph, so ride slowly as you filter, please!

Even with the study, a lot of riders I know still do not think it is a good idea. I suspect it’s because they have never done it and they can’t imagine drivers in their state tolerating a maneuver that has always been considered illegal and irresponsible. Just for reference, lane splitting in other parts of the world is not only tolerated, but expected.

Check out this PSA from Australia in favor of lane splitting.

Check out a video from Ride Apart about Lane Splitting:

Lane Splitting Tips

Make sure your luggage and mirrors can fit between vehicles.

What follows are tips from my perspective. I may be a reasonably intelligent motorcyclist, but I have little experience splitting lanes. Last year, the CHP put out a guideline for motorcyclists, but it was taken down after someone complained, so that resource is not available. Which means I could use some help from my Cali-friends. Use the comments section below to add your thoughts.

For those of you not riding in California, you may want to keep these tips filed away for the day when lane splitting is made legal in your state (don’t hold your breath, though). In the meantime, consider writing your lawmakers to encourage pro lane splitting legislation.

  1. Lane split only when traffic is moving at 30mph or less.
  2. Set your speed at or under 10mph faster than traffic.
  3. Be patient! Lane splitting should be thought of as a privilege and be respectful.
  4. Resist frightening drivers by keeping your speed down. You wouldn’t want to trigger road rage. You’ll lose.
  5. Know your bike’s limits. Those wide hard bags and mirrors you love so much will cause a serious problem if you try to squeeze into a too narrow gap between two vehicles. If in doubt, wait until there is enough room to proceed.
  6. Avoid blind spots. Lane splitting means you will be riding close to vehicles’ fenders and in drivers’ blind spots. By filtering forward at 10mph faster than surrounding cars, you will ride THROUGH blind spots, which is good, but be aware of the danger of lingering in a blind spots when you have to slow.
  7. Be extra careful when riding near large trucks and RVs.
  8. Keep an eye out for cars changing lanes. Seeing an opening in traffic should put you on full alert for cars moving across your path. Also, be aware of approaching exits where drivers may suddenly change lanes.
  9. Cover your brakes.
  10. Watch your mirrors for other lane splitting riders. Move over for riders splitting faster than you.
  11. Be courteous to slower lane splitting riders. Don’t tailgate your fellow riders.
  12. Move back into a lane once traffic begins to match your filtering speed. Remaining in between lanes with other vehicles moving at the same speed is asking for trouble. Rejoin traffic when possible.
  13. Keep your eyes scanning well ahead.

Okay. It’s your turn. Please use the comments area below to share your thoughts on lane splitting.


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It's not allowed here and never has been so it's not even a consideration.
I don't think I would do it anyway unless traffic was at a full stop. Too many lane jumpers without signalling.
The problem here as has been said is the speed involved. All the years I have been doing it I cannot recall ever running like that guy was. The idea is to filter through slower traffic not race through fast moving traffic. So the question to ask here was this guy just an accident looking for a place to happen or was it just bad luck.

I would say about 90% of my lane splitting was done at red traffic lights slowly filtering to the front and once it turns green be the first off the mark.
I've been filtering through traffic for years now, but NEVER at that speed, that is just plain stupidity to go at that speed. I always put my main beam on as well as my 4 way warning lights. If done at a reasonable speed and respect for other road users I can't see why it's such a problem. But surely the main reason that you should go slow is because of some car drivers just don't look, before they make a maneuver. It's all down to self preservation in the end. As bikers, we all know that 9 times out of 10, we'll come off worse than the cocooned car driver, in a direct contact situation. For me to sit in a traffic jam and not take full advantage of the fact that I'm on a motorbike, is somewhat alien to me, I might just as well have taken the car. But if someone doesn't feel comfortable doing it, then the safest thing is don't.
I told a lie ! I do filter but only in traffic jams or traffic lights , I don't do it for the sake of it , drivers over here get realy pissed about it and it can get down right dangerous some times .
Should Lane Splitting be Legal in all 50 States? Sign the Petition by

You might have seen this video of a Georgia rider crashing while attempting to split lanes. It's gnarly (and embedded below in case you haven't seen it).

READ MORE: RideApart 24: Why Lane Splitting Is Awesome | RideApart

Like every other state save California, Georgia does not allow riders to split lanes, even in heavy traffic. So that might have been a factor in this crash, just looks like the dude is maybe going a bit too fast, given the flow of traffic. Watch:

The guy was lucky - he apparently only suffered a broken wrist and that particular form of ego bruising that comes from being a YouTube Crash Sensation. Simply put, this was reckless driving and not an execution of safe lane-splitting (the better and "official" / legal term is lane sharing), which has been found to be very safe… when done properly.


Unfortunately, the rest of us have one more bit of "evidence" to argue against in the great lane splitting debate. It's surely going to make it that much harder for this petition to reach lawmakers' desks.

Created on December 2, the above petition calls for a national law making lane splitting legal in all 50 states. The petition makes the case that lane splitting is beneficial in that it reduces traffic congestion, and should be allowed if riders adhere to guidelines like those that we have here in California.

READ MORE: CHP Says Lane Splitting Is Safe, But...

We've long been proponents of safe lane splitting, and believe that if more states allowed it, both riders and cagers would reap the benefits. While the idea of a law legalizing lane splitting in all states is probably appealing to most riders, it's easier said than done.

For starters, states have jurisdiction over many driving laws - highway speed limits, for example, can vary from state to state - and it's not too much of a stretch to imagine that many if not most state governments would be reluctant to give that up.


Although it might be tilting at windmills, we support the petition and definitely think you should add your name to it. At the very least it can send a loud message to lawmakers. Armchair Constitutional Scholars, feel free to weigh in on how exactly such a bill might become a law, and how that law might be enforced in the comments section.

READ MORE: Four Reasons I Don't Split Lanes…Usually


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Personally. I would LOVE the ability to lane split. Here in Redneckistan it is illegal.
That said. The way people drive and the number of distracted drivers I see on the roads doing EVERYTHING other than driving!!!! Eating texting talking on phone READING BOOKS!!!! Even APPLYING MAKE UP!!!
I don't know that I would lane split all that often if I could. Wen traffic is dead stopped the ability to legally filter through would be GREAT, otherwise, I think I would just wait......safer that way.

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